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Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc
Hi Truthseeker,

That's an excellent question. Have you ever read in the Hebrew OT the shortened form of "Yahweh"? "Yah?" (see Ex. 15:2; 17:16; Psalm 68:5, 19; 77:12; 89:9; 94:7, 12; 102:19; 105:45; 106:1, Isa. 12:2; 26:4; 38:11)

Also, why do you suppose the shortened form, "Yah", is the one used in the formation of personal names like Isaiah? Or in "Hallelujah?"

Your answer to these questions will answer the "MarYah" question. <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

-Shamasha Paul

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Re: Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc - by Paul Younan - 02-26-2008, 09:23 PM

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