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Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc
gbausc Wrote:On the previous page of posts, I wrote:
Quote:I also am reading and translating the inscriptions of the Psalms in Codex Ambrosianus which clearly indicate that the translator(s) was Christian, stating at the head of Psalm 23 : "About the communion table and to us now, spiritually ,an introduction of the new Christian people", and the very date of the destruction of Jersusalem by "Titus, son of Vespasian, 40 years after the ascension, & they have put Jerusalem to the sword and taken away the nobles, until this day", at the head of Psalm 74. Whoever wrote those notes was a believer in The Messiah Yeshua and wrote them in the times he describes, when Christianity was a recent development and the captivity of many elders of Jerusalem was still fresh in their minds and those captives were presumed to be alive.

There are so many references to the various Psalms as references to The Messiah and to His disciples by name, that together with the above inscriptions, it is quite tenable a position that Jews who converted to Yeshua as The Messiah in the first century translated the Peshitta Psalms,at the least. As such, we would have a first century Semitic witness to the Hebrew Tanakh in or near to Israel.

Please consider the above testimony from the most important Peshitta Tanakh manuscript in existence, concerning the time and translators in which The Psalms, at least, were translated.



Shlama Dave,

This does not leave out the possibility of the Tanakh being adopted by a Christian community after it was already translated and then they added those superscriptions or subheadings to the text.

Is this particular edition available for sale by a Bible Society or other seller? I would personally like to read this for my own benefit. It would be interesting to pinpoint, if at all possible, the date in which these superscription were written, and if they were added later.


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Re: Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc - by yaaqub - 02-11-2008, 12:22 AM

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