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Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc
shlom lokh oH Dave,

gbausc Wrote:Shlama Akhi Dawid,

You misunderstood. The translators were most likely Jewish disciples or believers in Yeshua, first of all. A Christian translator would be much more likely to see reference to The Messiah Yeshua in some prophecies than a non-believing Jew, n'est ce pas? All I meant was that a Christian would be likely to translate with a Christian bias, thus making the translation more appealing to Christians. It is unavoidable. It also makes the translation less reliable, due to that same bias. The very thing that makes it appealing to me also makes it somewhat suspect, which is why I introduced the caveat, "but we must remember that the translator(s) was Christian..." If The Peshitta Tanakh were translated by a Jew before Christianity had arisen, the translation would probably be more objective in many places where alleged Messianic prophecy is concerned.


My understanding of the Peshitta OT was that it was produced prior to the Christian era, and based on a proto-Masoretic Text. It seems to be the one that was most favoured by the Syriac-Aramaic speaking community (msheeHoye), and eventually ended up being the OT Text of the Peshitta.

I'm not expert on the Peshitta OT, so I can't bring you proof, but this is what I was told in the past.

push bashlomo,
keefa bar morun

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Re: Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc - by abudar2000 - 02-10-2008, 04:26 PM

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