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Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc
Shlama Akhi Dawid,

You wrote:
Quote:My only objection was to your post which implied "this is so beautiful, which would make sense because it was translated by a Christian" implying both that a Jew could not, and that any Christian would, both of which are ridiculous, to say the least.

You misunderstood. The translators were most likely Jewish disciples or believers in Yeshua, first of all. A Christian translator would be much more likely to see reference to The Messiah Yeshua in some prophecies than a non-believing Jew, n'est ce pas? All I meant was that a Christian would be likely to translate with a Christian bias, thus making the translation more appealing to Christians. It is unavoidable. It also makes the translation less reliable, due to that same bias. The very thing that makes it appealing to me also makes it somewhat suspect, which is why I introduced the caveat, "but we must remember that the translator(s) was Christian..." If The Peshitta Tanakh were translated by a Jew before Christianity had arisen, the translation would probably be more objective in many places where alleged Messianic prophecy is concerned.

"And likewise, all who choose to live in the fear of God, in Yeshua the Messiah, will be persecuted." 2 Tim. 3:12 Welcome to the club. I and my wife and family have been kicked out of 5 churches (& 3 parsonages) and a Christian Mission, as well as two Christian schools for our scriptural beliefs and principles. I have seen the greatest evil I have ever known in Christian churches and in Christian leaders. This is all prophesied in Thessalonians and Timothy, as well as Revelation and elsewhere. Much, if not most of what is called Christian and Christianity is false and a counterfeit. Don't let that blind you to the core reality Satan wishes to turn us away from. All the falsehood is a decoy or camouflage to distract people. Stand for the truth, but do not give up the fight against the lie. The truth will win out. The Spirit of The One Who is in us will prevail over the world.

Heb 12:15 And be careful, lest any be found among you destitute of the grace of God, or lest some root of bitterness shoot forth germs, and trouble you, and thereby many be defiled: Murdock

"Blessed are ye, when they revile you and persecute you, and speak every evil thing against you, falsely, on my account.
At that time, rejoice and be glad: for your reward in heaven is great. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you

Be glad my brother! Rejoice and be glad!

Love your enemies; and bless him that curseth you; and do good to him that hateth you; and pray for them that lead you in bonds, and that persecute you:
that ye may be the children of your Father that is in heaven
... Mat. 5:44,45

You are chosen.


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Re: Isaiah 45:17, Peshitta, Mass, LXX, etc - by gbausc - 02-09-2008, 06:09 PM

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