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Paul Younan Interlinear
I've looked at his interlinear translation of the Scriptures. I'm just curious if this will be released in a hard copy when completed.

Although not the full Peshitta, you can currently get a printed copy of the Four Gospels from this interlinear edition from

Description from the site:
Quote:The Peshitta Aramaic New Testament Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John presented in interlinear format: Each original Aramaic word with corresponding English word(s) printed directly above.

Are you going to complete the Interlinear Peshitta? Being a Syriac native speaker give you a very close approach to the scriptures. Do you any version of the Peshitta recorded by native aramaic speakers?
Hi everyone,

As many of you know, it's been my ardent desire for years now that this translation be completed as a part of a group/committee effort, rather than solely by myself. I am happy to announce that I will be meeting with several prelates of the CoE this weekend in Chicago, most notably His Grace Mar Awa, and we will be exploring forming a translation team to complete the first ever official English Translation of the Peshitta.

Students of the history of the CoE will recognize this as a historic milestone in our community, as no official translation in *any* language has ever been sanctioned. I am hoping that we receive synodal approval, and that I can contribute in some way.

I will announce more details here after our meeting.

This is good news!
Marya bless you!
This is exciting news! Blessings to you and your efforts!

bar Sinko
Indeed, great news, and may Marya put His grace and blessing upon your efforts. An official translation done by a team would be fantastic! And then if it was formatted right and nicely bound in an interlinear fashion similar to Roth's (one page English, one page original) I think it would be perfect. This project will certianly be kept in my prayers.

That are fantastic news! I am really excited to heard those news. I think it is important if you can put in one side English and the other in Aramaic like the Roth?s translation. That would be fantastic!

Are the members of this team are all Syrians? Native Aramaic Speakers?
carlosmendoza Wrote:That are fantastic news! I am really excited to heard those news. I think it is important if you can put in one side English and the other in Aramaic like the Roth?s translation. That would be fantastic!

Are the members of this team are all Syrians? Native Aramaic Speakers?

Hi Carlos,

I'm not certain of the makeup of the translation team yet, but I'm assuming most if not all will be speakers of the language. I think it will mostly be clergy who've been specifically trained in the classical tongue, and people who've studied the language at a university level.

Paul Younan Wrote:
carlosmendoza Wrote:That are fantastic news! I am really excited to heard those news. I think it is important if you can put in one side English and the other in Aramaic like the Roth?s translation. That would be fantastic!

Are the members of this team are all Syrians? Native Aramaic Speakers?

Hi Carlos,

I'm not certain of the makeup of the translation team yet, but I'm assuming most if not all will be speakers of the language. I think it will mostly be clergy who've been specifically trained in the classical tongue, and people who've studied the language at a university level.

That's exciting! The Aramaic definitely needs more legitimate scholarly attention and highlighting.
Luc Lefebvre Wrote:
Paul Younan Wrote:
carlosmendoza Wrote:That are fantastic news! I am really excited to heard those news. I think it is important if you can put in one side English and the other in Aramaic like the Roth?s translation. That would be fantastic!

Are the members of this team are all Syrians? Native Aramaic Speakers?

Hi Carlos,

I'm not certain of the makeup of the translation team yet, but I'm assuming most if not all will be speakers of the language. I think it will mostly be clergy who've been specifically trained in the classical tongue, and people who've studied the language at a university level.

That's exciting! The Aramaic definitely needs more legitimate scholarly attention and highlighting.

I can't wait, Akhi Luc. On pins and needles until the meeting .... <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->
Shlama akhi!

<!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: --> <!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: --> <!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: --> THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!! <!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: --> <!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: --> <!-- s:onfire: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/onfire.gif" alt=":onfire:" title="On Fire" /><!-- s:onfire: -->

i've not found an English translation of the Eastern Peshitta that even remotely began to capture the essence of the Aramaic - so i'm very much hoping and praying that this project comes to fruition and soon! Aramaic is by no means native to me and in spite of how much i love reading the language i'd also love a trustworthy translation in English - especially to recommend to everyone i know!

do keep us abreast of the developments of this thing and if donations are needed to begin / complete it - i'd be more than honored to help in such an area.

Chayim b'Moshiach,
Hi Shamasha,

How did the meeting go? We are all excited about this here in Sydney.
I'm really hoping to learn the Aramaic language. The Peshitta is one of the most fascinating families of Biblical manuscripts. How long do you think it'll be until the New Testament is completed, Paul?

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