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Gift or Gifts in Acts 2:33 and Acts 11:17
Mike Kar Wrote:So Paul and Stephen,

I am still a little bit confused. Paul, you said something to the nature that the information in and of the lexicon is not transferable, legally, to third parties. So, I, as a 3rd party, when I go to or use the lexicon on this site ( am I not doing so legally or legitmately?? I think I am might be overlooking something obvious here. Paul, you seemed to have cleared this up in one sense but in another sense it seems you stated something exactly the opposite. But I believe the misunderstanding is with me (more-less) but I just want to be sure again because I would rather not use someone's "stuff" w/o permission. But then again, all these resources at Dukhrana and even the lexicon here is right on the internet for everyone to see and tap into so I think I dropped a screw or two but I don't know where. Where may I have steered off??

Your fine using it for your personal use. So is everyone else who visits this site. It is people like me who make an interface of it on the internet, print excerpts from it in a book, republish it or repackage it that are bound by our agreement with the Way International. Again, all they (the Way International) are asking for is a copyright statement, like I have placed at the Lexicon page, noting that they hold the rights to that information, it belongs to them.

We are not selling it or anything like that, so don't worry. We have permission to use it as we are currently using it, so long as the copyright statement is there. We don't want people to think that the Lexicon was compiled by us, when in reality they slaved over it for so long. I don't have time to make one myself, that's a life-long project. <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

Mike Kar Wrote:(2.) about "hade," "hane" and "halen" again. Just to be sure we are on the same page here: In the very same chapter in Acts 2:15, 16 (that very location) you have Peter (I paraphrase) saying to his audience on Pentecost: "... [i]THESE' (Halen, here) are not drunk as you might imagine for it is only the 3rd hour of the day. But '[i]THIS' (hade, or hane - I forgot) is that which is spoken by the prophet, Joel."

Yes, note that "Halen" in 2:15 is masculine and plural. And notice that "Hade" in 2:16 is feminine, singular.

Mike Kar Wrote:So, you have in my first mention of Halen - "these", and the 2nd mention is "this" in Acts 2:15 and 16 accordingly.


Mike Kar Wrote:The same words you wrote to me in the email you made the typo, right?? And this "halen" is also used with and next to "
rocks" in Matthew 4:3 (". . . tell 'THESE' stones to become bread.") matthew 4:3=Acts 2:15 for halen(these).

Absolutely. That's how you can tell that the word "KAPA" ("rock") is in the plural. You don't need Syame markings, because the preceding "Halen" is plural.

Mike Kar Wrote:Also "halen" found in Matt 24:34, Mark 2:8, Luke 1:20. All the same base word from "halen." Is this all accurate??

Yes on all counts.

Mike Kar Wrote:Yes, those 2 big bold points or dots I made reference to are found in the manuscript Khoubaris text as you go to John and scroll down to the word for "gift." You will see 2 big bold dots.

I don't see the dots you are referring to, verse 10 ends in "living waters" - please specify.


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Re: Gift or Gifts in Acts 2:33 and Acts 11:17 - by Paul Younan - 10-10-2008, 02:28 AM

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