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5 megilot - Peshitta OT
shlom lkhun,

I have found a link of the 5 megilot targum that is suppose to be based on the Peshitta OT, but I haven't taken the time to confirm if it is really the Peshitta OT or not:

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push bashlomo,

Thank you for this link. This is a good resource.

Yaaqub Younan-Levine
Ya'aqub Younan-Levine

I compared a few passages from this work with the Targums provided on this site under "Trilinear Targums", as well as Leiden's edition of the Peshitta and it does appear to be identical in some aspects to that of Leiden. However, it is an older text so it will not have the same critical apparatus as Leiden's edition.

It is not the same as the Trilinear Targums on The use of the word "Targum" appears to strictly mean "translation" when used in this work without an ambiguous sense. The Hebrew text is basically the Masoretic text, but I bet upon further examination it will show to be different (at least in some aspects) with Aleppo Codex and without a doubt major differences between it and the Yemenite version of Esther.

The editor is Avraham Yaffeh Hebsh (Adolph Huebsch) of Prague. This is a valuable piece of work which should be treasured by Peshitta Tanakh researchers/translators. Thanks for this awesome find akhi. I have put it on my list of publications to reprint.

(I think this thread probably belongs in the Peshitta Tanakh/Old Testament board).

Push b'shlama.
Ya'aqub Younan-Levine
shlam lakh akh Yaaqub,

Excellent! This will be useful in furthering Peshitta Tanakh research.

I look forward to all the projects that you're initiating in regards to the Peshitta!

P.S. I agree it should be moved to the OT area, so I will try and do that.

push bashlama,

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