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Revelation 10:11 (anbz, time)
In the bausch edition, available at
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In vers 11 chapter 10 we find the word 'time'. I've seen that this word always is translated with 'time' but it seems related sometimes to 'the endtime'. Is that correct?

(vers 6 is translated by Lamsa, e.g. 'should be no more reckoning of time').

Why do I ask this? Because I seem to read this: John hears in vers 6 something like: "There NEVER will be an end-time like this anymore, this is the last one..."

Vers 11: "Prophecy anyone about this coming end-time"...

Did I understand this correctly?
'whn 'l 'nbz bwtd ="time shall not be again"

Quote:"There NEVER will be an end-time like this anymore, this is the last one..."

How could there be more than one end time? What sense does that make?

And what could possibly follow the end? The only sense I can make of this is that it describes the end of the old order of creation and ushers in a new creation
which is eternal, not time based.
2Co 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal (Lit. 'nbzd =d'zabna -"time related"); but the things which are not seen are eternal (i.e.-not time related).

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Hello Brother,

Thanks for your answer. But then, I don't get the phrase: "There shall be no time again." (Why would the angel, probably Jesus-himself) even swear by the one eternal in eterneties? (Swearing by the Holy one, is not just a simple word).

About the end-time. I believe that there was an end-time for the jewish society in 70 AD. This was prophecied by Jesus.

I also believe that revelation speaks about the 1 century Christians, but in addition about the future. The 'last-days' are forsaid and the return of Jesus.

Now, this verse seems to be in line with that -if- 'time' can be understood as 'end-time' as well.
Shlama Diztazo,

The time of the end, or "end time" is one thing; the "end of time" is another thing. Rev. 10:11 is about the "end of time" with reference to God's Kingdom, announcing that His Kingdom is eternal. It is not laying out a chronology of human history. It is about the transformation of the world into the Kingdom of God.

Re 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were voices and thunders, which said: The kingdom of the world hath become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah; and he will reign for ever and ever.

God's kingdom does not use the world's time standard; time is no more, when we live in eternity. Also consider that Yeshua spoke of "the new world", after His resurrection, which I believe refers to His Kingdom, when He would eat and drink with His disciples. (See Matthew 19:28
Quote:Jesus said to them: Verily I say to you, that, as for you who have followed me, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory in the new world, ye also shall sit on twelve seats, and shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
& Mt 26:29
Quote:But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father???s kingdom
. This He did when He appeared to them after He was risen: Ac 10:41 Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.
We are like the disciples who stood staring into space when Jesus was taken into Heaven (Acts 1:7-11). He had already told them: "The Kingdom of God is within some of you."(Luke 17:21), yet we still look into space and time for it to come, when it has already come for those who know Him and have Him living within them. Jesus was not leaving them; He was entering them: "I am with you every day, even to the end of time." Matthew 28:20

Yet even after telling them He would not leave them, they did not believe Him; they believed their eyes as they saw Him go up.
We must decide whether to believe His words, or to believe our eyes and our own thoughts and those of Satan and the world.

Is He here with us now, or not? Is His Kingdom within me or not?

What do you say, Distazo?

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Well my brother thanks for explanation but I try very hard to understand.
You might imagine, that an explanation, that 'time will not be anymore' is for me asking to understand how an angel can fly through time and space....

Thousands of people have seen Jesus, and have heard him.
Toma, was an unbeliever, yet, Jesus did not punish him, but said: "Lucky those who not see, but believe."

Well, I'm sure that Jesus won't punish me for finding questions (I have to believe among unbelievers, among the devil's justice, and there is no sign of the kingdom in the heaven at all)
because all the ones that tell me about Him are 'just' humans (no offense intende).

Jesus never spoke to me, and I assume the best, but I cannot believe that Lamsa, for instance, is a 'false' Christian and others are false as well because they don't believe the scriptures exactly as some other Christians do (or messianists).
Shlama Brother,

You wrote:
Quote:Well, I'm sure that Jesus won't punish me for finding questions (I have to believe among unbelievers, among the devil's justice, and there is no sign of the kingdom in the heaven at all)
Why do you think in terms of punishment for asking questions? I certainly don't think you will be punished for asking questions. Jesus wants us to enjoy His Kingdom which He has given us: "Blessed by The Spirit are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Ro 14:17 For the kingdom of God, is not food and drink; but is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

You also wrote:
Quote:because all the ones that tell me about Him are 'just' humans (no offense intende).

Sorry for the shortcoming. Lamsa was also "just human", I think.
I am trying to convey what God said, not man's ideas. The kingdom of Heaven is within us who believe by The Spirit, according to what He said. We are also raised up to sit in Heaven with Him, according to what He said:
Ephesians 2:5,6 "When we were dead in our sins, he gave us life together with The Messiah, and by his grace he saved us. 6. And he has raised us up with him and seated us with himself in Heaven in Yeshua The Messiah."

Does this make you sad or depressed?

I never said Lamsa was a false Christian. I simply disagree with some of his teachings. You must decide what the truth is for yourself, based on what scripture says and, more importantly, what The Spirit of Holiness says to your heart and spirit. Only The Author of scripture Himself can explain the true and full meaning of His word.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

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Well, in fact, I'm a little depressed.

I'm translating the peshitta and I publish the translation, and I don't expect any 'glory' for it, for I just try to do away with all cult teachings that I've coped with from youth and further, at age zero...

I've been raised with the idea of 'the end is near' (Luke 21:8). (Do not follow them)

Now I am working on Revelation, I'm seeing and understand things, I cannot avoid it, that are going to happen soon and I don't like it at all. Why has God's name to be holyfied through surviving or starving to death through a greatest genocide ever, by the anti-christ?

Sure, I'm comforted by the idea that I go to heaven(not!)... andI don't understand why God promises something, which is not earthly (I'm a human, can this be blamed?) and I don't want to be in power and to sit on judging-'seats'. Just leave me in peace <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

For me, hapiness, seems to have a family, raise children with respect for God and not to be disturbed by sellers of faith and to employ oneself eventually, live forever and healthy Revelation 21:3,4.

And if these plagues do not occurr, in my live, I can be wrong, (as it has not been for nearly 1950 years) no problem. But brother, weren't you depressed at translating Revelation?
Shlama Akhi,

How much have you already translated? Did you start in Matthew? I did not think you knew Aramaic.

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Hi Dave,

I don't know Aramaic, but since I translated from the interlinear and use the Aramaic lexicon for words I don't know, I think the translation is a clear improvement over other Dutch translations that are obviously based on Greek.

I've translated matthew, mark, luke, john, acts, romans, galatians and revelation.
First I used Paul Younan's work and now I continue using yours.

ps: In revelation 21:13 your English translation sums up to 13 ports instead of 12 <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile --> a typo.

Thanks Distazo, for pointing out the typo. I will correct it in the interlinear. I have it right in the Plain English translation.

You are to be commended for the hard work of translating the interlinear into Dutch. I am honored that you have chosen mine to use.
I will be glad to discuss Revelation with you, as my view of it is much less depressing than yours.On the contrary, I see it as a prophetic presentation
of the victory of The Messiah and His Gospel over the world and Satan.

More on this later.

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