Poll: Who will win Tomorrow's Election?
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Who will win tomorrow?
+Shamasha Paul bar-Shimun de'Beth-Younan
[Image: sig.jpg]
Paul Younan Wrote:Well?

Well I hope Bush. But I think younger voters that tilt towards Kerry could decide it. But it's so close you can't really tell. While many of the state polls give a mild lead to Bush, when you add in the fact that younger ones don't show up in those polls. Like the whole issue with folks who don't have a home phone only a cell phone.

But it will have to with things like. Are younger voters as dedicated as they say they are this time around. When they usually are horrible at voting. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Bad weather means less turn out, and actually helps the Reps out.

While they say that Indpendents will break for Kerry it will be interesting to see if that happens. Because typically incumbents get the adnvantage. And I don't think Kerry really has addressednmuch who he really is and what he stands for, his voting record etc. So its possible, that his attacking Bush for every problem under the Sun, and never addressiing his own back ground could back fire. But I'm not super optimistic. I think. Michael Moore and his so called "documentary" has polarized plitics much more than in previous years.
Bush will win.
Kerry and Bin Ladin will lose.

Dave B
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gbausc Wrote:Bush will win.
Kerry and Bin Ladin will lose.

Dave B

I personally find that offensive and unamerican to associate John Kerry iwth Bin Ladin just because he is running against Bush. This is a democracy, not a facist dictatorship afterall. And by the way, it is Bush that said in a speech less than a year after 9/11 that he does not even care or think about Bin Ladin... he let Bin Ladin win by not putting every effort into bringing him to justice! Not Kerry! You watch, if Kerry wins, I bet he will capture BinLadin and bring him to justice within months. Go Kerry! Or are only Bush supporters allowed to post here or to consider themselves Christian. Fanatic fundamentalism on our part is no way to fight fanatic fundamentalism on our enemies part, and that is why I voted for Kerry. And I hope you are not too dissappointed when Kerry wins today <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->
Peace Brother <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->
se7en Wrote:
gbausc Wrote:Bush will win.
Kerry and Bin Ladin will lose.

Dave B

I personally find that offensive and unamerican to associate John Kerry iwth Bin Ladin just because he is running against Bush. This is a democracy, not a facist dictatorship afterall. And by the way, it is Bush that said in a speech less than a year after 9/11 that he does not even care or think about Bin Ladin... he let Bin Ladin win by not putting every effort into bringing him to justice! Not Kerry! You watch, if Kerry wins, I bet he will capture BinLadin and bring him to justice within months. Go Kerry! Or are only Bush supporters allowed to post here or to consider themselves Christian. Fanatic fundamentalism on our part is no way to fight fanatic fundamentalism on our enemies part, and that is why I voted for Kerry. And I hope you are not too dissappointed when Kerry wins today <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->
Peace Brother <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

So, you voted for Kerry not because he stands for any kind of Bible principles, but rather because you consider Bush to be a "fanatic fundamentalist" of the same ilk as bin Ladin??


You really don't get out much, do you?
wow you play dirty politics... i did not say bush was of the same ilk as bin ladin... dave is the one that put kerry in the same category as bin ladin and i took offense to that sleazy republican tactic... i voted for kerry cause he sounds like a rational educated leader... where as to me bush admits he does not even read the newspapers, was a C student, can't put a thought together on the fly and yes acts like a religious fundamentalist blurring the separation of church and state line.. the fundamental asset of democracy that makes our country great... i never said he was of the same ilk as bin ladin and that is sleazy of you to put that word in my mouht just like it was sleazy of Dave to put Kerry in the same category as bin ladin and imply that if he loses, bin ladin loses when it is bush who has failed to get the bastard the past years! you are a waste of my time for you do not debate as forums are meant for but you lie and put words in peoples mouths and act like you have some moral superiority based on your religious beliefs.. gee talk about sounding like bin ladin.. ugh! bye!

...so Bush won

Bad Moon Rising

I see a bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin'.
I see bad times today.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.

I hear hurricanes ablowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.

Don't go around tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life,
There's a bad moon on the rise.
???Do not give up, for that is ignorance and not according to the rules of this art... Like the lover, you cannot hope to achieve success without infinite perseverance.???
Bar-khela you have awesome taste in music! Bit of the Creedence'll do you good <!-- sBig Grin --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/happy.gif" alt="Big Grin" title="Happy" /><!-- sBig Grin -->
I wish Kerry had won and hopefully a democrat wins in 4 years before the republicans return us to the dark ages and make this an all rich and all poor only country, and make gays and minorities and nonchristians second class citizens as the majority of republicans really want deep inside, even if they don't consciously realize it or aren't even rich or educated enough to benefit from it, or worse... and those are the inner ugly parts of the psyche that got Bush elected... but hail to the chief, well for 4 years then time for a change.. hopefully democractic!

And talk about your song, makes me remember how much it worries me that Bush believes in that Armeggedon nonsense... which I believe is not in the Peshitta, thank God... it was a phoney afterthought by a crazy man... and Bush and all the bible thumpers who think Iraq is Babylon and the bad moon rising is armeggedon, are just nuts and delusionals.. lets just hope it is not a self fullfulling thing caused by men believing it falsely hence making wars and actions to fullfill it.

God bless and protect us ALL!
Shlama Shushan,

If you had read the transcript of Bin Ladin's video released last Friday, you would understand why I put Bin Ladin in Kerry's camp. Al Jazeera has published the transcript in toto. What he said essentially at the end of it was, "If your U.S. state votes for Bush, we will bomb your state. If your state votes Kerry, we will protect you."

Read the whole thing. It sounds like a bunch of Kerry campaign stump speeches with his tirades against Bush. Bin Ladin definitely was a Kerry supporter- Bush hater. That is why the Democratic party and media have concealed the Bin Ladin transcript so well from the public.

Must be comforting to Democrats to know that Kerry's talking points were basically Bin Ladin's words and agenda!
Or perhaps Bin Ladin was getting his from Kerry and Michael Moore (Read about Bush reading a goat story to children while WTC
was being attacked).

I say you can know a lot about a person by the company he/she keeps as well as who his/her enemies are.

Democrats have blown it so badly for the past ten years that I doubt they will regain power for another 20 years , at least.They certainly will not win in 2008.

How can people who claim to be so enlightened as Democrats do, be filled with so much sheer ignorance of the facts and so much unadulterated hate ? Hmmmmmm ?

Dave B
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i only saw the snippet on the news.. but even if the creep used words from moore's documentary as you claim or seemed to want bush out and kerry in... that is ignorant to blame kerry for that as you said thecompany he keeps.. he had no hand in that and he has repeatedly said he will kill the terrorists and actually i thought he was more strong on that saying kill to overexaggerate for the ignoramouses that need that kill word when i would have prefered the children in the room hearing it with their parents watching the news snippets of that over and over again, heard bring to justice even if that means kill. Kerry is as against terrorism and binladin as Bush is and actually he has said he would not have said what bush did over a year ago when bush said he does not think about or care about bin ladin... some tough guy on terrorists... he should have been thinking of that day and night until he got him and all his little psycho terrorists.. and as an independent that usually votes democratic I find it ignorant that you make it sound like democrats are haters and terrorists supports.. i hate noone.. i love my country and my president but that does not mean i have to vote to reelect him if i feel he has made significant mistakes and won't admit them so will keep goofing up.. like not getting bin ladin when he had the obvious chance in the beginning and not putting in enough troups in afghanistan to wipe out alquade.. heck they even let half of them go after then caught them cause they did not have the troups to hold them... he made mistakes, refuses to admit it.. and because i LOVE my country and i HATE terrorism, i voted for Kerry and for you to imply the opposite is sad and is exactly the tactic the sleazy republican machien used to delude the easily brainwashable religious fanatics while he does not serve god or you or me but his corporate connections.. you know the one in that speech he said, some call you the elite but i call you my base... do don't go making democrats out to be terrorists, especially a patriotic american like kerry that has served his country in war and in the senate... that is will do more harm to this country than any terrorist bomb!!! but all bush people had to say to religious nuts, you konw the 50% that voted for him, was bush believes in god and hates fags and kerry doesnt believe in god and loves fags... and boom the rednecks of america elect him cause those simple things are easier to digest than isseus of economy and homeland security and world peace.

<!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile --> peace brother!
Shlama Shushan,

You wrote:
Quote:i only saw the snippet on the news.. but even if the creep used words from moore's documentary as you claim or seemed to want bush out and kerry in... that is ignorant to blame kerry for that as you said thecompany he keeps..

I don't blame Kerry for anything. I simply point out that his positions are agreeable to Osama and Bush's positions and actions are a grave threat to Osama.

That should tell you more about who is better suited to oppose terrorism than anything else you have heard or seen during the campaign.

Osama does not love the USA; he does not want to protect it; he does not oppose terrorists, and yet he supported Kerry and hates Bush. He threatened to bomb states that vote for Bush and protect states that vote for Kerry.
Hellooo !

Sorry, but I don't understand why some people don't get it.

Yours for Peace,

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I still disagree and think that you are just stretching to associate Kerry unfairly with Bin Ladin and being soft on Terrirists when you have no facts to back that up and are just in essence, regardless of what you consciously think you are doing, are just demonizing democrats to make this country less democratic, and that is wrong in my book... but I do believe you are patriotic, just midguided as you think I am it seems. <!-- sWink --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/wink1.gif" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /><!-- sWink -->

Besides, I have studied some psychology and you have to understand the mind of a delusional sociopathic egomaniac like Bin Ladin... it is, not that he does not fear or that he likes Kerry or even that he thinks that Kerry will be easier on him... it is like in Spain, they want to feel their evil deeds and sick words have control over the world... so he wanted to see if by threatening us if we reelect Bush, if he could affect that election... but he does not understand Americans for it only helped Bush.. because people like you then put Kerry unfairly in his camp or just think that one word from a nut means his policies are weaker without really examining the policies of both sides... we have results from Bush and he has failed to get Bin Ladin and the war in Iraq has recruited multitudes more terrorists and Iraq was not an imminent threat to us, at least terrorist threat in the near future, and perhaps not a threat to us at all.

I sincerely believe Kerry would have been tougher on terrorists cause he said he would have worked day and night to bring them all to justice wherease after a year the hard work seemed to much for Bush who said he does not care where Bin Ladin is nor does he ever think about it or him much in that press conference a year after 9/11... and then he got distracted and/or manipulated, and went into Iraq which was not an imminent threat to us like alquda and osama are... so i think that you are wrong that if nutty terrorists say they hate bush that does not automatically means that bush is tougher on terrorism... i think it just shows that they not only want to terrorize us but they also want to control us... and if they make us less democratic then the terrorist thugs and nutjob fanatics win.. and you help them win by demonizing Kerry and anyone that supported his election for the election process is a healthy democratic one... and to take anyone opposing the ruling leader and unpatriotically unamericanly demonizing patriotic americans and making them injustly and falsely look unpatriotic to keep your man in power erodes democracy... or worse divides it in a way that might lead to instability in the future.

And that is what the terrorists really want for they now they can never bring America down from outside for we have too much wit and might and will, but they can and I believe are trying to control us from the inside, divide us, make us less democratic and know that decades down the road that and that alone will be our biggest threat to our healthy great democracy... so that worries me as well as the other evil deeds of terrorists worry me but I think Kerry would have fought against ALL terrorists threats whereas Bush to me seems weak in how he gave up on Osama and contributed to eroding democratic principles and dividing our democracy... so had the vote again tomorrow, I would still vote for Kerry... that is my opinion... but I am glad we can respectfully and peacefully agree to disagree on this one.

Bye and Peace, Brother.
I share many of the interests and concerns expressed by both of you, but I think in a few points of fact, you are both wrong. But beyond the data, we must also look deeply into our own roles as Christians in this conflict. It is vital for us to base our discourse on Truth, with the humility appropriate to our limited vision.
gbausc Wrote:If you had read the transcript of Bin Ladin's video released last Friday, you would understand why I put Bin Ladin in Kerry's camp. Al Jazeera has published the transcript in toto. What he said essentially at the end of it was, "If your U.S. state votes for Bush, we will bomb your state. If your state votes Kerry, we will protect you."
I did read the whole transcript weeks ago, and it neither says nor implies anything of the sort. His exact words were "In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No. Your security is in your own hands. And every state that doesn't play with our security has automatically guaranteed its own security." [A "state" on the international scene is a NATION. USA is the only state that doesn't call itself a state.]
< <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/79C6AF22-98FB-4A1C-B21F-2BC36E87F61F.htm">http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... 87F61F.htm</a><!-- m --> >

First Point: He basically says here that the outcome of the election is IRRELEVANT to him. What he claims to care about is the security of Muslim countries. He said nothing to indicate that he "preferred" Kerry over Bush.

gbausc Wrote:Osama does not love the USA; he does not want to protect it; he does not oppose terrorists, and yet he supported Kerry and hates Bush. He threatened to bomb states that vote for Bush and protect states that vote for Kerry.

What?! Let me clean out my ears. I linked to the transcript above. There is absolutely no reference to this. In other posts on this forum, you have proven to be a careful, discerning, and at times magnificent analyst of language, but here it seems like you're trying to pull a fast one.

Second Point: Read the whole transcript.
UBL Wrote:Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom.

If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example??- Sweden? And we know that freedom-haters don't possess defiant spirits like those of the 19??- may Allah have mercy on them.

No, we fight because we are free men who don't sleep under oppression. We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours.
Summary: In a global community, everyone's security is interdependent. The concept that we can win at someone else's expense is short-term thinking that has proven monumentally disasterous. We are our brother's keepers.

It seems that Western Christians have surrendered to an order that depends on domination and violence. I am moved by the same Spirit that animated Dr. King when he said that working for the brotherhood of man "is a calling that takes me beyond national allegiances. But even if it were not present, I would yet have to live with the meaning of my commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. To me, the relationship of this ministry to the making of peace is so obvious that I sometimes marvel at those who ask me why I am speaking against the war."
< <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.africanamericans.com/MLKjrBeyondVietnam.htm">http://www.africanamericans.com/MLKjrBeyondVietnam.htm</a><!-- m --> >

In the aftermath of the terror events of 2001, the need for effective Christian peace witness is monumental; most Christians are aware that we are called to be peacemakers, and yet few Christians are aware that nonviolent alternatives to war exist, and that they have consistently uprooted evil whenever carried out with unwavering faith in the sovereignty of Love. Such work demands long-term vision, training, self-purification, and the courage to absorb suffering with patience and determination.

We used to say that Yeshua's Sermon on the Mount layed out unrealistic expectations, and that he was able to overcome evil by bearing the cross because of his divine nature. But now we live in an age that has seen whole nations transformed by faith-based nonviolent revolution: India, South Africa, Philipines, et cetera. With Alaha as our Father, we have no excuses anymore.

It is an article of my faith that we all have a divine vocation in the revolutionary work given to us by Yeshua. Conservatives & progressives must end this ideological standoff that is destroying our communities.

I've put together some resources at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://beardedbaby.net/">http://beardedbaby.net/</a><!-- m --> .

May our work be guided and blessed by Our Father.

Loving regards.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://beardedbaby.net/">http://beardedbaby.net/</a><!-- m -->
"Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts, which are the leadings of GOD." - London Yearly Meeting Advices, 1964
Shlama Akhi John,

I again quote OBL and appeal to your sense of discernment :

"In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No. Your security is in your own hands. And every state that doesn't play with our security has automatically guaranteed its own security."

To what "state[s]" does "Kerry" or "Bush" have relevance ? To whom does he refer when he says "you" and "your" , if not The United States ?

All the way through, he speaks of George W. Bush
. Which "state[s]" would he have in mind ? Which "state" would he fear ? Which "state" took out his government in Afghanistan ? Which state destroyed his Al Kaida network and confiscated his funds?

Your post intimates that you believe we should be concerned with Bin Ladin's interests and freedoms . Your post intimates that we should love Bin Ladin and negotiate. If that is what you think, you are a fool and an apologist for the Devil.

The USA has never oppressed any nation. We have liberated millions of people around the world and spread democracy throughout Europe and Japan; most recently, 50 million in Afghanistan and Iraq have been liberated and are establishing free governments. Our country and theirs were liberated by war. War has liberated Germany , Poland, Austria, France, Czechoslavakia, Hungary,
Belgium, Spain,Italy,Greece,Netherlands,Japan and The USA.
Sometimes, war is necessary. Read Ecclesiastes 3.
Jesus , according to the Peshitta, is the Jehovah of The OT. He commanded wars to be fought by Israel and He has never changed.

As to the issue of love, "There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
We in the U.S. as a country have demonstrated love of our countrymen and of millions in many countries for centuries by laying down our lives for our brethren.
Do not preach love to us. Preach it to Bin Ladin and the terrorists; see what their reponse is; then pray that someone with a weapon will protect you !


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