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Ancient Aramaic Translation of the Eastern Peshitta
After about 10 years so far of working through the Tanach in the Ancient Pictograph script, translating and compiling a concordance of marriage roots (I am currently working through Yermeyahu), for the last month I have started to bridge my research over into the Aramaic Peshitta, starting with Philemon. I generally work with the tiny books first, then move on to larger ones. Anyway, I am almost done with Philemon. Here are the first 16 verses in my preliminary (rough draft) translation:

Phm 1:1 Paulus~ cultivate> banded> [one] of> Yeshua= (he> does> space) the> smeared> [one] and> Thimatayus~ cultivating> wall> [one] to> Philemun~ intensely> roped> [one] and> rocking> forth> [one] of> collected> them
Phm 1:2 and> to> Apiya~ our> intensely> roped> [one] and> to> Arkipus~ rocking> forth> [one] of> collected> them and> to> the> ascended> flap> [group] of> in> your> built> [place]
Phm 1:3 insertion collected> you and> complete> ease apportionment manifest> cultivating> [one] our> pollinating> [one] and> apportionment our> embitter> [one] Yeshua= (he> is> spaciousness) the> smeared> [one] (s)
Phm 1:4 handle> cultivate i to> my> manifest> cultivating> [one] in> finished> gushing> onward> [period] and> unblurring> over i to> you in> my> [verbal]> plungings
Phm 1:5 see apportionment of> rippling> up> of your> manifest> support and> the> intense> rope of> is to> you bonded our> embitter> [one] Yeshua= (he> is> spaciousness) and> bonded their> finished> [part] the> allocated> away> [ones]
Phm 1:6 of> she> does> manifest the> setting> open of> your> manifest> support inclining separated> aside> [food] in> service and> in> actively> unflapped> eye of> finished> [part] inserted> [thing] of> is to> you in> Yeshua= (he> is> spaciousness) the> smeared> [one]
Phm 1:7 honed> [condition] grating cultivatingly> strayed is to> us and> comfort of> in> cultivate> handling your> intense> rope they> were> sighed the> currented> completely> [conditions] of> the> allocated> away> [ones]
Phm 1:8 decline manifested> outward separated> toward> cultivating cultivatingly> strayed is to> me in> the> smeared> [one] of> channeling> down to> you yearning> [things] of> upsided> outward
Phm 1:9 decline the> intense> rope subdued from> erupting he erupting i apportionment> you i Paulus~ of> am> i the> sitting> [one] how of> unflapping> eye manifest> cultivating> mark this> hour~ subdued additionally cultivate> banded> [one] of> Yeshua= (he> does> space) the> smeared> [one]
Phm 1:10 and> erupt i apportionment> you ascended my> hewed> [one] yearning> [one] of> i> did> lead> down in> my> cultivate> banding> [thing] Anisimus= (nh)
Phm 1:11 he of> pluck> sprouted> [periods] useless he> was> manifest to> you in> him hurriedness> forth this> hour~ subdued additionally to> you additionally to> me inserted he> was> hurried> forth
Phm 1:12 and> i> did> row> him to> you manifest> cultivating> mark subdued how of> [one]> led> down my> own how> outward heap> him
Phm 1:13 expand> cultivate i> was> manifest grating of> bonded> me i> did> seize> him of> he> was> manifest radiating to> me augered> wide> you in> the> cultivate> banding> [thing] of> well> message
Phm 1:14 flowing> ascended> flap your> [verbal]> sending subdued wearied i> did> expand> cultivate completed> measure to> serve of> wearied how of> in> lopped> over she> does> manifest your> inserted> [condition] uncultivated in> your> outward> expanding
Phm 1:15 meshed subdued additionally decline manifested> outward he> did> redo of> manifest> lean> [period] of> to> horizon> [period] you> do> seize> him
Phm 1:16 wearied from> finishing how serving> [one] uncultivated protruding apportionment serving> [one] cultivating> wall> [one] intensely> roped> [one] my> own honed> [number] as> what your> own and> in> fresh> [part] and> in> embitter> [one]

My preliminary Tanach is available for Esword on my website]:



Is that a joke? Seriously...Do you have a readable version? If so, I would love to read it. <!-- sSmile --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/smile.gif" alt="Smile" title="Smile" /><!-- sSmile -->

If not, then you get the award for the most hard to read, and the least understandable version of the letter of Philemon in English from any source language text I have ever seen. I can read and understand Herb Jahn's version, but not this one...and I thought his was awkward and difficult until now. His reads like the Living Bible compared to this one...Congratulations on the award. <!-- s:crazy: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/crazy.gif" alt=":crazy:" title="Crazy" /><!-- s:crazy: -->
No brother, not a joke. It is meant to be used along with whatever scriptures you read from, or, as you become familiar with the phrases, you can read it yourself. It is meant to show the connections of the various marriage (two letter) and family (three letter) roots, both in the Hebrew and Aramaic. Of course, As this is a preliminary work, when I finish the text then I will go back and rework that a second time to make it a bit smoother, although it will still be not understandable to anyone until they understand the principles behind the work.

Interesting, though I'd recommend making a smoother translation along with it if you plan to publish and sell. It'll be an original approach, definitely, and probably a very useful study tool.

Tell us what these two verses/sentences have in common with each other?

Phm 1:13 "expand> cultivate i> was> manifest grating of> bonded> me i> did> seize> him of> he> was> manifest radiating to> me augered> wide> you in> the> cultivate> banding> [thing] of> well> message"

Phm 1:13 "For, I desire to hold onto him, so that, he should serve me in place of you, in the chains of The Evangeliaun {The Good News/The Gospel}."

Thirdwoe Wrote:Gregory,

Tell us what these two verses/sentences have in common with each other?

Phm 1:13 "expand> cultivate (should be stable> cultivated) i> was> manifest grating of> bonded> me i> did> seize> him of> he> was> manifest radiating to> me augered> wide> you in> the> cultivate> banding> [thing] of> well> message"

Phm 1:13 "For, I desire to hold onto him, so that, he should serve me in place of you, in the chains of The Evangeliaun {The Good News/The Gospel}."


I will do the first three words, 'For I desire', and if it still does not make sense, then none of the rest will. The normal way most look at the language today is nothing like what I am working on. It is based on each letter having a meaning, and the meanings of the letters put together making up or defining what the word means. The meanings of each word is grounded in some form of action, even nouns.

The letters tsade-bet form a marriage root meaning 'to stabilize', with the aleph at the end making a family root meaning 'to stabilize cultivate', which is the concrete action behind the abstract word 'desire', or 'will'. It is an leaning toward another object, becoming stabilized with it. (Picture someone standing by staring at something they really want, leaning toward it, not giving it a passing glance and walking by). I mistakenly used the wrong marriage root and so am glad you put this here, as it helped me correct an error I need to change in the translation. Thanks <!-- s:biggrin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/biggrin.gif" alt=":biggrin:" title="Big Grin" /><!-- s:biggrin: -->

The letters hey-waw form the marriage root meaning 'to manifest', which is the concrete action behind the word 'was'.

The letters gimel-resh form a marriage root meaning 'to grate', with a yod infix making it an action being done over time, 'grating', the action of turning something aside together in a pile (like grating cheese, for example) which is the concrete action behind the abstract word 'for'. The former statement is concretely 'grated' into what follows.
ScorpioSniper2 Wrote:Interesting, though I'd recommend making a smoother translation along with it if you plan to publish and sell. It'll be an original approach, definitely, and probably a very useful study tool.
Thanks Scorpio. Once it is complete, I will be rearranging the words to fit English grammar and adding the necessary 'of, is, are', etc in brackets where needed. What I wish to show is how various words in Hebrew are related by their roots, and how each of the words meanings are related in some way to our senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.

As a small example: What do a spoon, the sole of a foot, and the palm of a hand have in common? (this is a fairly easy example)

They all have a curve in them, and are represented by the same root letters that depict that action of curving. So in my translation I have them as curved> [thing] and curved> [part]. You can now actually see that these two words have a relationship.

What do a wilderness, a word, and a bee, have in common?

They all are structured (which is an orderly arrangement). A word is the structuring of letters together, bees make a hive consisting of structured cells, and a wilderness, if one looks carefully, is structured according to terrain, elevation, etc. So in my translation I have them as a structured> [area], [verbal]> structure, and a structured> [animal].

I have literally been going over each and every Hebrew and Aramaic word, one by one, over the course of about 10 years, as I come across them in the text, and have seen this pattern play out consistently again and again.
Here is one set of words that demonstrate the premise I have been working on word by word:

Starting with Strongs 5420, we have the following words:

nawthas nun, taw, samech...meaning 'to tear up'.
nawthah nun, taw, ayin...meaning 'to tear out'.
nawthats nun, taw, tsade...meaning 'to tear down'.
nawthaq nun, taw, qof...meaning 'to tear off'.
nawthash nun, taw, shin...meaning 'to tear away'.

The nun and taw form what I call a marriage root carrying the basic meaning 'to tear'.
The letter added to that marriage root, making it the common 3 letter family root, adds a further description to the basic meaning:
samech...up; ayin...out; tsade...down;; and shin...away.

The Aramaic functions according to the same concept.

I have not been going to this depth but as i have been working through and have a hard time seeing underlying meanings in words i drop to two letter roots which usually clears things up for me. But i have done nothing like this before. Well not on every word. I have done it on a few words i was curios about but not like this.

I find this very useful.

Yes, and I believe that is one of the reasons that studies such as this will never gain widespread acceptance. People generally read the standard works they are used to and accept them without asking the deeper questions of why it is so, or is there something more to this than meets the eye. If what I am discovering is indeed true concerning Semitic languages, that there are indeed patterns based on original pictograph letters that the Creator has given to man to form words that are self defining, then I would expect the following quote to occur:

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Shalama gregoryfi,

I actually think this is a great work you are undertaking, I too have used dukhrana at times and looked up words to see how they function in hebrew and aramaic, to see if there are multivalenced ways of reading the text, but your underlying hypothesis of using the root pictographs is a good one because they indeed occupy the Remez, and Sod level of Jewish hermeneutics. So your efforts and thinking are great, because you are translating at a deeper or more root level, it might be good to provide another translation in english and commentary creating resolution behind the concepts.

A good example of what you are talking about would be Aleph + Bet, Paleo Aleph pictograph = Strong Ox + Paleo Bet Pictorgraph = House or lean to, In hebrew this word is Av, meaning father, but has an underlying meaning of strong household. Or the letter Tzadi/Tzadik = a man praying on his knees. Tadik in hebrew is a righteous man or a charitable person. There are numerous other examples the Rabbis give, but I think it is good work.
Thank you Zechariah,

I do plan on providing not only an English concrete meaning translation, but also a breakdown of that translation based on the letters of the word in the Lexical Concordance I am working on as well.

It will be something like this:

Take the word spelled 'aleph, taw, taw, nun, yod, chet, waw', translated 'refreshed', in Philemon verse 7.

For we have great joy and consolation, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by your love.
(Phm 1:7)

I translate this word as the concrete action 'sigh'.

This comes from the meaning of the marriage root letters, 'nun chet'.
Nun is a sprouted seed, which expresses the action 'to sprout'. A sprout continues the life of the plant it came from.
Chet is a wall or fence of some sort, which expresses the action 'to wall off'. A wall divides one thing from another.

A sigh is a continuous breathing out. Here in Philemon, this refreshment is a continuous breathing out, a sigh one makes when refreshed, relieved.

'Nun, chet, mem' expresses another type of continuous breathing out, a negative one, a sigh of regret. You can find this in Bereshiyt 6:6.

'Nun, chet, resh' expresses a continuous breathing out from over the mouth, a snort made from the nose. You can find this in Yermeyahu 8:16.

'Nun, chet, shin' expresses a different type of continuous breathing out away through the teeth, a hiss made from a serpent. You can find this in Bereshiyt 3:1.

No one seeing the words refresh, regret, snort, and hiss would ever see them as having any connection.

In my translation those same words will be expressed as 'sigh, sigh-up, sigh-over, and sigh-away'. Then, when someone understands the meanings that give rise to how I render them, they can then take them back to other translations and 'see' how and why those words are related by the same marriage root.

Ronen, this is a good example of very careful cherry-picking obscure meanings, but I'm afraid not much else.

nxm primarily means "to comfort" not "to sigh." In Syriac, the meaning of "comfort" was extended lexically in an eschatological sense, so it can also mean "raise up" and noun forms can mean (in Syriac only, mind) "resurrection."

nxr primarily means "to make an angry or rough noise." It's an obscure root and depending on dialect can mean "to pant" (Syriac) "to snore" (JBA and Syriac) or even "to be angry" (in Palestinian Aramaic). It can also mean "to stab" (based upon the sound such an action makes).

nx$ simply does not mean "to hiss" in Aramaic at all. It has to do with bronze making and verbal forms are backtranslated from the noun n'hash or "copper" (i.e. "to alloy with copper" = "make bronze"). There is also one obscure meaning of "to prophesy."

None of these really fit your hypothesis at all.

Plus, you've ignored the following roots that are counter-examples to your hypothesis:

nxb "to grow thin"

nxl "to sift"

And the most commonly used verb out of all that meets your nun-chet criteria:

nxt "to physically descend / go down"

Please understand that if one stares hard enough at two roots, one can always make a connection, however tenuous or thin.

That process, however, is Edenics -- which is pseudoscience -- not linguistics.


I actually do see the words nachath and nachal as relating to the concept expressed in the nun chaf root, and have them as such in my Lexical concordance listing. I have not ignored them, I just did not list them, nor the others that are part of that root.

I do realize that what I and a handful of others are doing is not the mainstream way of studying this language, and as such, will be mostly disregarded. I have no interest in trying to convince anyone that what I am sharing is at least worth considering. I am only interested in letting others know, so that the few who are interested can have something to work with themselves. I believe very strongly that the Creators language is put together by divine design, where each letter is where it is for a reason, nothing being arbitrary.

If and when I finally complete researching each and every word, and the translation I am working on, then time will tell whether, as Rashi believed in his day, that:
Three letter roots are used for grammatical purposes of conjugation, to indicate tense, person, etc. Nevertheless, two letter roots are used for semantic purposes to indicate meaning.
"Please understand that if one stares hard enough at two roots, one can always make a connection, however tenuous or thin.

That process, however, is Edenics -- which is pseudoscience -- not linguistics."

Steve, did he ever state that it was lingustics? I guess then by your reasoning the whole body of literature within Kabbalistic texts that uses these methods as well is pseudoscience? I mean the whole basis for the Sefirot are based on this type of reasoning looking at aramaic rewordings of the roots of words. I would just say that within Judaism it is expected that there are multiple levels of interpretation, this doesn't disqualify the syntactical work that people have done on the "Pashat" level, but we need to understand that this is a different level of hermeneutic and it shouldn't be disqualified simply because it doesn't fit into a western academic scholarly paradigm, both have merit, and both can serve understanding the meaning of the text. As we say in Judaism. "Shivim Pnnim L'Torah" The Torah has 70 faces!

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