Poll: Favourite Torah/Khumash Translation
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ArtScroll Stone Edition of the Chumash
4 66.67%
The Schocken Bible Vol. 1: The Five Books of Moses - Everett Fox
2 33.33%
The Five Books of Moses - Robert Alter
0 0%
The Living Torah - Aryeh Kaplan
0 0%
Gutnick Edition of the Chumash - Chaim Miller
0 0%
Metsudah Linear Chumash with Rashi
0 0%
Total 6 vote(s) 100%
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Favourite Translation of the Torah/Khumash
English translation ~ The Koren Edition Jerusalem Tenakh'; <!-- s:bigups: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/bigups.gif" alt=":bigups:" title="Big Ups" /><!-- s:bigups: -->

Chumash/Commentary ~ Etz Chayim (Hayim) Torah and Commentary of the Rabbinical Assembly, The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
~of course i would like this one, i was a Conservative Jew before becoming Messianic. <!-- sTongue --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/poketoungeb.gif" alt="Tongue" title="Poke Tounge" /><!-- sTongue -->

Hebrew text ~ C. David Ginsburg???s Masoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible . <!-- s8) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8) -->
Therefore, every Sopher who is discipled into the Mal'khuth ha Shamayim is like the master of a house, who brings forth from his treasures things new and old. ~Mattith'yahu 13:52

Messages In This Thread
Re: Favourite Translation of the Torah/Khumash - by Yochanan5730 - 10-31-2008, 09:53 AM

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