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A Question For Torah Keeping Messianics
Quote:Shlama Akhi Stephen,

Where do you get your Aramaic? The first meaning of "Sharebta" is "generation"; after that-"genealogy","family","tribe","race", "nation". If our Lord had meant, "this race (The Jews) will not pass away, until all these things come to pass", He would have been saying that those things would never come to pass, for God had promised...

Shlama Akhi David:
I'm deferring to John Wesley Etheridge's translation. He uses the word "race". Also, I forgot that "sharbata" also means "tribe". A Compendious SYRIAC DICTIONARY of R. Payne Smith lists the word to mean "to propagate, generate" and "to be reckoned by geneology, counted according to families".
Yeshua was not referring just to the generation of the First Century, but he was referring to the nation of the Jews, their twelve tribes, their families, for as long as they are a nation. Moreover, Matthew 24:35, the very next verse sounds very much like Jeremiah 31:35-37. Even if you do use "generation" it must be used in the context of "generation, tribe, family, stock, line". This again is not "generation" only as in "First Century/time line/Jewish contemporaries to the Apostolic Age". This word is referring to the nation of Israel/the Jews as long as they exist as a nation. The nation of the Jewish people/Israel is precisely what Jeremiah 31:35-37 is referring to. As you can see, the Jews are a nation today. The Land of Israel is in the Third Commonwealth today. The passage of time has not caused the Jewish nation to disappear. Surely you can see this, David.

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Re: A Question For Torah Keeping Messianics - by Stephen Silver - 06-10-2008, 08:01 AM
Get on Topic-Sherbata - by Stephen Silver - 06-15-2008, 04:57 PM
Re: Get on Topic-Sherbata - by *Albion* - 06-16-2008, 01:47 AM

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