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A Question For Torah Keeping Messianics
Shlama Akhi David:
Please re-read my last post. I have added to it. It was prematurely posted before I corrected it and I was eating dinner and didn't realize that I posted it. So, I continue....Please keep in mind that the word in the Peshitta New Testament, namely in Matthew 24:34 [font=Estrangelo (V1.1)]Fbr4[/font] means "race, nation or people" and has been incorrectly translated into Greek then English as "generation".

Not only have you misquoted in Matthew 24:34 by using "generation", which by the way is the whole foundation upon which the classic preterist doctrine is postulated, but you have also added to your error by misunderstanding Yeshua's warning to his disciples. Indeed, Yeshua is the fulfillment of ALL the prophesies which concern him. The problem with this view arises when certain prophesies about him are eschatological events, the scope of which deals with "the end of days". Clearly, the destruction of the Temple was a type of "the end of days". Many in "that generation" even thought the same. However, when all was said and done, the world was still suspended in space, the moon and the sun still marked the days , weeks and seasons and the prophesy of Jeremiah 31:35 remains unfulfilled to this day. So, what was fulfilled. Were the prophesies concerning the Meshikha ALL fulfilled in the First Century. Yes and no? All that was fulfilled, the incarnate, virgin birth of the Son of God was fulfilled and marks the beginning of our calendar. Yeshua was crucified and he rose again according to Isaiah 53. The Temple was destroyed as he fortold during his ministry (Matthew 24). However, the NEW Heaven and the New earth have not appeared in reality, David. Therefore, you must reexamine your "extreme" preterist view. Either Christ has returned in "reality" or you have taken liberties with the text and erred concerning the Second Coming of our Meshikha.

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Re: A Question For Torah Keeping Messianics - by Stephen Silver - 06-10-2008, 01:43 AM
Get on Topic-Sherbata - by Stephen Silver - 06-15-2008, 04:57 PM
Re: Get on Topic-Sherbata - by *Albion* - 06-16-2008, 01:47 AM

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