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Translation Issues
4. Chinese and Aramaic Are of the Different Language System

Jing Wrote:2. Biblical Translation without the Knowledge of the Original Language


An hour ago or so, I made a better translation than before in my eyes:

Col 1:12-20

thank to God the Father, who spreaded us to a portion of the inheritance of holiness in light;
and rescued us from the power of the darkness, and brought us to the kingdom of His Son beloved.
Who in him is to us his salvation and remission of sins;
who is the image of God of not being seen, and the first-born of all creations;
and in him was created everything in heavens and in earth, everything of being seen and everything of not being seen, whether on thrones, and whether in dominions, and whether in principalities, and whether in authorities, everything by him and in him was created;
and he was from the before, and everything in him standing;
and he is the head of body of the church, as he is the head of the first-born of from the abode dead, so as he should be the first in the all;
for in him (He) desired whole fullness to dwell;
in him to reconcile to Himself everything, and has made peace in the blood of the Cross by him, whether of in the earth and of in the heavens.

The above translation of Col 1:12-20 must help none of you guys who dont know Chinese, but It ENLIGHTENS me indeed. Though I messed up certain things due to my ignorance of the Aramaic grammar, it is not a complete translation without the consideration of the Aramaic grammar.

It surprised me A LOT that Aramaic and English seems to me of the same language system! And Paul Younan makes little effort to comply with English grammar. Instead, he is loyal to the Aramaic grammar, but the interlinear English translation still makes sense in almost all cases with just few tricks only when necessary. That is the reason why you guys define the legal interlinear translation is word for word, OR by transliteration.

However, this legal interlinear translation rule is ILLEGAL in Chinese!

English words cannot be transliterated into Chinese. Aramaic words cannot be transliterated into Chinese. They are totally of different language systems! Therefore, even the word order is not to follow that of the original language.

That is the reason why Chinese interlinear translatation is to take ONE sentence as A WORD ( LOL) without losing the original sense (every sensible word is considered.***). It follows another definition of so-called interlinear translation:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

2 entries found for interlinear.
in??ter??lin??e??ar ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ntr-ln-r)
Inserted between the lines of a text.
Written or printed with different languages or versions in alternating lines.

That is legal in Chinese sense. I have to the source for all main Chinese/English versions...different versions are shown line by line without phrase for phrase.

Quote:Choose the Versions to be Viewed:

King James Version America Standard Version
Bible in Basic English
Chinese Union Version (GB) Chinese Union Version (Big5)
New Chinese Version (GB) New Chinese Version (Big5)
Chinese Lu Zheng Zhong (GB) Chinese Lu Zheng Zhong (Big5)

*** Chinese dont have articles. Chinese dont have the tense of verbs. Chinese dont have the forms or states of nouns. Chinese dont have plural or singular of nouns or pronouns. A Chinese word is made of sensible characters, and Chinese words themselves take everything about plural. singular, tense, etc. Word order is important to Chinese. A weird word order is laughed as Japansese.

Messages In This Thread
Translation Issues - by Jing - 02-03-2005, 05:38 AM
[No subject] - by Jing - 02-03-2005, 06:09 AM
[No subject] - by Jing - 02-04-2005, 07:06 AM
[No subject] - by Jing - 02-04-2005, 08:41 AM
[No subject] - by Dan Gan - 02-06-2005, 03:27 PM
[No subject] - by Jing - 02-06-2005, 09:11 PM
[No subject] - by Dan Gan - 02-07-2005, 01:23 AM

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