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Aramaic Tobit & its differences with Septuagint
Hello Everyone,
If anyone is looking for Aramaic (a.k.a Chaldee) text of Tobit, then its available here.

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This book also contains a Hebrew version of Tobit.

There are several differences between Aramaic Tobit and Septuagint. One of them is Aramaic Tobit Chapter 11 to the end of Aramaic Tobit is very different from Septuagint Tobit. Another important point is the dog in Tobit 6:2 and Tobit 11:4 found in Septuagint manuscripts is not in Aramaic Tobit either. Tobit 11:4 verse in Septuagint is not in Aramaic Tobit.

Let me start with Tobit 5:21-Tobit 6:2 where the dog is mentioned in Septuagint.

Tobit 5:21-22 (New Revised Standard) - Tobit said to her, "Do not worry; our child will leave in good health and return to us in good health. Your eyes will see him on the day when he returns to you in good health. Say no more! Do not fear for them, my sister. For a good angel will accompany him; his journey will be successful, and he will come back in good health. Tobit 6:1-2 (Continuation of New Revised Standard) - "So she stopped weeping. The young man went out and the angel went with him. And the dog came out with him and went along with them. So they both journeyed along, and when the first night overtook them they camped by the Tigris river."

Tobit 5:20-22 (Aramaic Tobit) - "Tobi said to her, Be not afraid, he will go in peace, and he will return in peace, and the good angel will go
with him, and his journey will be prosperous, and thine eyes shall see him return in peace. So make an end of weeping." Tobit 6:1-2 (Continuation of Aramaic Tobit) - "The young man went and Raphael with him. And they came in the evening to the river Tigris, and they passed the night there."

But in KJV version of Septuagint Tobit, the dog is not mentioned in Tobit 6:1-2. But the dog is mentioned in Tobit 11:4.

Tobit 5:22 (KJV version of Septuagint Tobit) - "Then she made an end of weeping." Tobit 6:1 (continuation of Septuagint Tobit) - And as they went on their journey, they came in the evening to the river Tigris, and they lodged there.

So no dog is mentioned here. But in Tobit 11:4, the dog is mentioned.

Tobit 11:4 (KJV Version of Septuagint Tobit) - "And take in thine hand the gall of the fish. So they went their way, and the dog went after them."

This verse is not in Aramaic Tobit.

In Aramaic Tobit, Chapter 11 to the end is very different from Septuagint Tobit.

Let me give you Aramaic Tobit Chapter 11 to the end here.

TOBIT Chapter XI.

"And Tobiyyah went on till he came to the city Akris, which is over against Nineveh. Raphael said to Tobiyyah, My brother, thou knowest how thou didst leave thy father. Now therefore let thy wife go behind us with our men, and I and thou will go to prepare the house. So they went both of them first. And they found his mother sitting on the crossway looking about for her son. And when she saw him, she ran to meet him. And she
embraced and kissed him, saying, Blessed be God, who hath brought thee back in peace, for I counted to see thy face never
more. And now, my son, why didst thou delay to come ? And he told her everything. And she was exceeding glad, and said to him,
Go thou to thy father, and I will stay here until thy wife cometh. So Tobiyyah went, and Raphael with him. And when Tobi
heard that his son was come, he was exceeding glad, and said to him. My son, come towards me that I may kiss thee, for I cannot go towards thee. Then Raphael said to Tobiyah, Take the gall of the fish and put it on his eyes. And God made his eyes whole as they were before. And Tobi rejoiced at the
great goodness which God had shown him. And Tobi blessed God, saying, Blessed be God, who hath not withholden his bounty
from me, and hath brought me out of darkness to light. It is thou who strikest and healest. There is none like thee, who healeth for no reward, and there is no god in heaven or on earth who doeth mighty deeds like thine. Tobiyyah then related to his father all that he had done. And they prepared the
house. Then Tobi went forth with his son Tobiyah to meet his daughter-in-law, and Raphael with them. And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rejoiced over her, and brought her into his house, and blessed her, saying. May God give thee of this wife righteous children, and may mine eyes and the eyes of thy mother behold them.

Chapter XII.

Now when they went into the house, Raphael did not enter with them, but went his way. After a time Tobi said to Tobiyyah, Go out into the market-place, and call our brother Azaryah, that I may give him his wages, and we will add to them, because he is a trusty and honest man. And Tobiyyah went out into the market-place, and sought, but found not Raphael, and he enquired about him of all the people of the town, but he did not find a
man who had seen him. He returned to his father, and said to him, I have found him not. Then his father knew that it was the angel Raphael, whom God had sent to deliver Sarah from the hands of the demon, and to heal his eyes. And he blessed God, saying, Blessed be God, who sent his good angel with my son, and who prospered his journey, and hath healed two poor and sick people like ourselves. And from that day forward God prospered Tobi and Tobiyyah his son, and gave him children of his wife Sarah. And Reuel and Ednah his wife died, and Tobiyyah inherited all their goods. After days Tobi fell sick, and called his son Tobiyyah, and enjoined him the commandments of God, saying to him. My son, do goodness all thy days to the poor and the rich, and give alms all thy days, for the sake of which God will bless the works of thine hands. The Lord blessed Abraham our father on account of the alms and tithes which he gave ; and o Isaac for that he gave tithe and did almsdeeds; and so when Jacob went to the house of Laban and prayed, he vowed only to give tithe [and] alms to the poor, and therefore God made him prosperous, and gave him all that he asked, and preserved him from Laban and his brother Esau. And if thou do like as they did, he will bless thee as he blessed them. And he enjoined them other commandments, and when he had made an end of doing so, he was gathered to his people. And Tobiyyah his son buried him with great honour. And after his death God blessed Tobiyyah, because he fulfilled the commandments of his father, and he made him exceeding prosperous, and bestowed blessing on all the works of his hands.

Behold we learn how great is the power of alms and tithes. Because Tobi gave alms and separated his tithes, as is meet, how the Holy One (blessed is he) rewarded him ! And because the fathers of the world knew the power of alms, therefore they gave heed to them. Of Abraham it is written, 'And he gave him tithes of all' (Gen. xiv. 20) ; of Isaac it is written, * Then Isaac sowed in that land' (Gen. xxvi. 12), and 'sowing' means nothing else than alms, as it is said, 'Sow to yourselves in alms' (Hos. X. 12) ; of Jacob it is written, 'And of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee '
(Gen. xxviii. 2 2).

The End of the History of Tobiyyah.

Here is the link to Septuagint Tobit - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Its very different from Aramaic Tobit especially from Tobit Chapter 11 to the end.

Side note - I want to point out that Raphael said to Tobit that his name is Azariah in Tobit Chapter 5.

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Aramaic Tobit & its differences with Septuagint - by konway87 - 05-18-2013, 09:40 PM

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