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The Tree Of Life
Post 4
Mosaic Covenant

Yahweh?s salvation of his people from Egypt, not the Christian sense of personal salvation from sin; that?s anachronistically read back into the Hebrew Bible. It?s not there. Salvation in the Hebrew Bible does not refer to an individual's deliverance from a sinful nature. This is not a concept that is found in the Hebrew Bible. Salvation refers instead, to the concrete, collective, communal salvation from national suffering and oppression, particularly in the form of foreign rule of enslavement. Remember Jacob?s sons; Joseph?s betrayal by his brothers, his decent into Egypt, set the stage, not only for the reformation of his brothers? characters, but for the descent of all of the Israelites into Egypt, so as to survive widespread famine; threat of famine is overcome by the relocation to Egypt. Yahweh says to Jacob, ?I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I myself will also bring you back.? So in short, there seems to be a plan afoot. Israel?s descent to Egypt sets the stage for the rise of a pharaoh who, didn?t know Joseph, and all that he had done for Egypt. And this new pharaoh will enslave the Israelites, and so embitter their lives, that their cry will rise up to heaven. Yahweh as Israel?s redeemer and savior, is Yahweh?s physical deliverance of the nation from the hands of her foes. But the physical redemption of the Israelites is going to reach its climax in the covenant that will be concluded at Sinai.

Yahweh?s redemption of the Israelites, is a redemption for a purpose, for at Sinai, the Israelites will become Yahweh?s people, bound by a covenant. The covenant concluded at Sinai is referred to as the Mosaic covenant. The Mosaic covenant differs radically from the Noahide and the patriarchal covenants, because here Yahweh makes no promises beyond being the patron or protector of Israel; and also, in this covenant, he set terms that require obedience to a variety of laws and commandments. The Mosaic covenant is neither unilateral, it?s a bilateral covenant, involving mutual, reciprocal obligations, nor is it unconditional like the other two. It is conditional; the first bilateral, conditional covenant. If Israel doesn?t fulfill her oblations by obeying Yahweh?s torah, his instructions, and living in accordance with his will, as expressed in the laws and instruction, then Yahweh will not fulfill his obligation of protection and blessing towards Israel. So the Mosaic covenant, understanding of the relationship between Yahweh and Israel; the history of Israel will be governed by this one outstanding reality of covenant. Israel?s fortunes will be seen to ride on the degree of its faithfulness to this covenant. The nature of the biblical text, it reflects a range of perceptions about Yahweh and his relation to creation and to Israel. Understanding the making sense of the historical odyssey of the nation of Israel in covenant with Yahweh-that is its concern. Understanding Israel?s relationship with Yahweh, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty. The use of a suzerainty treaty as a model for Israel?s relationship to Yahweh, expresses several key ideas. Suzerainty treaties are between a suzerain, who has a position obviously of power and authority, and a vassal. The historical prologue that?s so central to the suzerainty treaty grounds the obligations of Israel to Yahweh in the history of his acts on her behalf. Also the historical prologue bridges the gap between generations. Israel?s past and present and future generations form a collective entity, Israel, that collectively assents to the covenant. Even today, at Passover ceremonies everywhere, Israelites are reminded to see themselves, they?re reminded of the obligation to see themselves as if they personally came out of Egypt, and personally covenanted with Yahweh. The historical prologue explains why Israel accepts her place in the suzerain-vassal relationship. Israel?s acceptance of a relationship with Yahweh doesn?t stem from mystical introspection, or philosophical speculation. Instead the Israelites are affirming their identity and their relationship with Yahweh by telling a story, a story whose moral can only be that Yahweh is reliable. Israel can rely on Yahweh, just as a vassal can rely on his suzerain. Israel as a vassal, treat their fellow vassals well. Israel as a vassal, can?t serve two suzerains.

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The Tree Of Life - by newnature - 02-24-2011, 05:55 AM
Re: The Tree Of Life - by newnature - 03-06-2011, 12:19 PM
Re: The Tree Of Life - by newnature - 03-07-2011, 08:25 PM
Re: The Tree Of Life - by newnature - 03-08-2011, 01:49 AM
Re: The Tree Of Life - by newnature - 03-08-2011, 04:00 AM

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