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AENT Hebrews 3:18-19: Obey vs. belief
Chuck, Wow! Thanks so much. I corrected the error in the post, and I was blown away when I read John 3:36, as you suggested.
I have the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th edition AENTs, and all of them use the word OBEY in Hebrews 3:19.

There is nothing wrong with Paul saying "Of whom swore He that they should not enter His rest because they were not persuaded[i]; so we see that they could not enter His rest because [i]they were not persuaded[i].[/i][/i][/i]

However, it seems like both the AENT and the other Greek-based English translations seem to be choosing the words BELIEVE and OBEY at will, according to my first post at the top. But if I understood your reply above then most Aramaic (Peshitta / Peshitto) renditions use BELIEVE in both vs. 18-19?? Perhaps Andrew was applying a less-than-literal application of "OBEY" according to his understanding. Is this what you are saying? Certainly, if John 3:36 is rendered precisely in the AENT then these two verses are complementary to each other, and make a nice fit together...

John 3:36 AENT "He who believes in the Son has life that is eternal, and he who does not obey the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of Elohim will rise up against him."


Messages In This Thread
AENT Hebrews 3:18-19: Obey vs. belief - by Thomas - 10-05-2011, 04:22 AM
Re: AENT Hebrews 3:18-19: Obey vs. belief - by Thomas - 10-08-2011, 03:27 PM

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