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Tanakh is canoned in AD90's? How about Falasha's
Andrew Gabriel Roth Wrote:Shlama Akhi Dawid,

I have deleted posts on this thread that I thought were either taken the wrong way and led to your very inflammatory post as well your most recent post and my own responses. I do not know where your rage comes from but I do want to try and help it. I will not respond back with my own anger and this is not the place for name calling and base accusations. I am hurt by what you said but also want you to know I did not mean to hurt you in any way with what I said.
I did not intend to hurt you, either. But you did hurt me aswell.
How do you propose to help it?

AGR Wrote:Brothers should not act this way, myself included. I apologize for my part in enraging you so.
And I apologize for overreacting.

AGR Wrote:I think perhaps we are at cross-purposes. I don't understand you and you don't understand me. That's fine. But please don't say I shut down all debate. That's not true. And please don't bring Trimm into this as if he never did anythng wrong. That's not even appropriate to mention. As for Bauscher, I basically used his own posts here to make my case, and I was hardly alone in that endeavor.

But other than the plagiarism allegations, I think you will be hard pressed to find an example of me shutting you down and I don't really think I shut you down there either, to be honest. Those charges on AENT are deeply personal and hurtful and so yes, I fight them hard, as I think would anyone in my position.

I am sorry that we both happen to be under grievous circumstances, but to say that doesn't matter is wrong. And I fought you on the "shlama akhi" thing because, in addition to the religious reasons I mentioned, I knew you were hiding rage. And you proved me correct.
No, akhi. If you look, I don't greet anybody. Greetings are just not to be found in my recent posts. I used to include greetings, but I haven't in quite a while. It is truly nothing personal. Yes, you do frustrate me. But that's not what that is about.

AGR Wrote:I have done nothing to try to hurt you and apologize for any statements or actions that you may have taken as such. It was not my intention. I vigorously contend and I just don't like it when people attack my integrity.
I think we sometimes don't get along well because we're alike. I have also not intended to hurt you, and am sorry for anything that was hurtful. I also vigorously contend, and do not like it when people attack my integrity.
Please understand that what I have said about notation in your book is not meant to say anything about your integrity. I wouldn't presume to assign a motive to that. I have always thought that any issues were completely inadvertent. Absolutely innocent.

Messages In This Thread
An open letter to Dawid - by Andrew Gabriel Roth - 05-16-2009, 06:19 PM
Re: An open letter to Dawid - by Dawid - 05-17-2009, 02:10 AM

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