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Targum and POT
Havah Wrote:Shlama!

I want to know if the reading of aramaic targum was similar to POT. If they have similar reading, how high the percentage of similar reading is.

Shlama Havah:
The Targums are largely paraphrases of the original Hebrew text "to give the sense". The Peshitta A"NK (Old Testament) is "a literal translation" from the Hebrew text. To my knowledge both methods were and are acceptable forms of transmission of the original text since Aramaic shares many of the same Semitic word roots with the original Hebrew text of the T"NK.

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Messages In This Thread
Targum and POT - by Havah - 04-02-2009, 04:17 AM
Re: Targum and POT - by Stephen Silver - 04-02-2009, 05:59 AM

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