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Andrew Roth's New Book is FANTASTIC!
Wow! I am delighted and overwhelmed to have a copy of Andrew Roth's ARAMAIC ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT, Netzari Press, 2008.

Andrew has distilled the Peshitta + FIVE into a perfectly balanced English translation that maintains the semitic foundations without confusing the reader. Also, he has deftly incorporated his rational interpretation of many ideas kicked around in this forum and balanced them with good judgement. The Appendix is an intellectual gold mine. This is the Aramaic primacy book for true scholars!

I think everyone who supports Aramaic primacy should purchase an extra copy and donate it to his or her favorite University Library to spread this knowledge to young students as well as old professors.

Thank you, Andrew, for your brilliant hard work and this great gift. God Bless You!


Todah Akhi Khabiba Otto--

Your endorsement means more to me than most others as you actually met Lamsa and knew about Aramaic NT primacy before it was trendy.

I want you, as well as those who have criticized it, to continue to let me know via <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> about anything specific that you feel needs our attention.

For those here who didn't see my previous messages on this, let me say it again: We have gone with small print runs of Mari, are updating readings (Baruch is trying to do this when he is not filling orders) and we will continue to make improvements both between editions and in future editions. Baruch has also told me is going to try to send out "errata" sheets with orders but I don't know when he will complete this. There are hundreds of matters, large and small, that we are paying attention to and we will keep at it.

Again Akhi Khabiba Otto, my deepest appreciation for your love and support.
Shlama w'burkate
Andrew Gabriel Roth
Ooh I'm so jealous of you US customers. I can only order my copy once the shipment reaches my country, which will hopefully be this week sometime. <!-- sSad --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif" alt="Sad" title="Sad" /><!-- sSad -->
Shalom, Shlama, Salaam & Yiasou.
Yes, I just received my copy yesterday here in australia, and give thanks to God that Andrew makes a stand for holiness and purity, as can be seen from the appendixes.
Be encouraged Andrew, thank you for my aramaic english new testament, and the great material throughout.
Shlama to you Akhi Sean,

Thank you for your kind words. I hope Mari continues to be helpful to you.

Shlama Khati Christina,

Please let me know when you get your copy.
Shlama w'burkate
Andrew Gabriel Roth
Shlama Akhi Otto, I sent you a PM but it never left...

Shlama Akhi Andrew,

Either the person hasn't read it yet, or their mailbox is full and they need to delete old messages to free up space. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to speed the process up.
Shlama w'burkate
Andrew Gabriel Roth
It looks great. I was going to buy one right away, but my birthday is in less than a month, so I put the word out about it and thought I'd wait until after that to buy it. lol.
Where can I order it?
shlomo Distazo,

The official website is at => <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

push bashlomo,
I received MARI today. I dont know what The Truth Committee was talking about, the cover is beautiful, the binding strong, the paper suprisingly thicker than most Bibles, and SO MANY TOPICS that it covers. Ive always wondered about the headcovering issue and I happen to flick my thumb, and BOOM, right there. I will have fun and grow in knowledge with this piece of work, and Elohim bless you Andrew Gabriel Roth. I hope your informative, accurate, and beautiful MARI will help me in my path of repentance..or at least get me started. <!-- s:biggrin: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/biggrin.gif" alt=":biggrin:" title="Big Grin" /><!-- s:biggrin: -->
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecc.12:13

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