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Old Testament Verses & Prophecies mentioned/fulfilled in NT
Hello Everyone,
Here are Old Testament verses.

1) Matthew 2:18 and Jeremiah 31:15

2) Matthew 8:17 and Isaiah 53:4

3) Matthew 21:13 and Isaiah 56:7

4) Exodus 20:12/Matthew 15:4 and Exodus 21:17 (Exodus 21:16 in Septuagint)/Matthew 15:4. Also check Deuteronomy 5:16.

5) Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37-38

6) Leviticus 19:18 (Love your neighbour) and Matthew 22:39-40.

7) Psalms 82:6-7 and John 10:34-35.

1) Matthew 2:6 (Paul Younan interlinear Peshitta translation) - "And you Beth-Lekhem of Yehuda, you will be not the least of Yehuda: Therefore from you a king will go out who will shepherd the kings among my people Israel."

2) Matthew 2:18 (Paul Younan interlinear Peshitta translation) - "A voice was heard in Ramtha, crying, and great wailing, Rakhiel crying for her sons, and not desiring to be comforted, because they were not."

3) Matthew 8:17 (Paul Younan Interlinear Peshitta Translation) - "So that might be fulfilled that which was spoken through Eshaya the prophet, who said, That he will take our sorrows and our illnesses he will bear."

4) Matthew 15:4 (Paul Younan Interlinear Peshitta Translation) - "For God said, Honor your father and mother, and anyone who reviles his father and his mother, let him be put to death."

5) Matthew 21:13 (Paul Younan Interlinear Peshitta Translation) - "And he said to them, It is written that my house will be called a house [of] prayer; but you have made it a cave of bandits."

6) Matthew 22:37-38 (Paul Younan Interlinear Peshitta Translation) - "And Yeshua said to him, that you should love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment."

7) Matthew 22:39-40 (Paul Younan Interlinear Peshitta Translation) - "And the second is like it: That you should love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang the Torah and the prophets."

Special Thanks to Mencel89 for giving me this information.

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