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English Translation of the Peshitta Tanakh?
I like it for it's translation style, not it's source text. I'll usually always have an Aramaic text with me, but even if I don't, I wrote the variations in the margins of my NASB (which is extra useful in bringing up textual varients in Bible studies).
The AENT is one of my favorite New Testament translations, but I know even with all of the good, there is still flaws. Roth delves into interpretation, but so do most (if not all) translators of the Bible (even though "translator" might not be the right way to put Roth's job lol). I also think people seem to view him negatively around here for his reliance upon Murdock and Younan. He openly said that the base texts for his New Testament were the Murdock translation and Younan Interlinear. I find the Roth's AENT to be one of my favorite ones too read, along with Murdock, Lamsa, and Etheridge. Out of all of the published translations, just based on reading the Etheridge New Testament, it seems to be one of the most literal.
AENT is my favorite as well, although I agree with your comments. Apparantly there was more translation work done for the 5th edition in order to smooth out some portions of it. I don't know if this means it will be less literal overall, or if only select passages that were reading a little funny were smoothed out. When I get my copy in December I'll let everyone know.
It'll probably be a while before I can get the 5th edition, so send me a PM when you get to let me know what you think about it! I'm not really sure if I have a favorite Peshitta/Peshitto translation, I love reading all of them! Bauscher, Roth, Lamsa, Etheridge, Murdock, and Magiera all did good jobs.
Yup, there's defintiely value to each of them. And I love Dukhrana's Peshitta tool so I can study everywhere I go!

So, I heard that since the AENT was released we're about halfway to Matara. Approximately another 4 years, or 2016 is when we can expect a release. Although this far out I could see that changing. Plus, I wouldn't want a rush job just to get it out there.

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