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Exodus 3:14 in the Lamsa Bible
Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, I am AHIAH ASHAR HIGH (that is, THE LIVING GOD); and he said, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: AHIAH has sent me to you.

What does "AHIAH ASHAR HIGH" mean? Is this what the Peshitta really says?
Hi Akhi Spyridon,

Yes, in the Peshitta OT the Hebrew original for this phrase is preserved as is.

+Shamasha Paul bar-Shimun de'Beth-Younan
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What does AHIAH ASHAR HIGH mean? I am who am?
Spyridon Wrote:What does AHIAH ASHAR HIGH mean? I am who am?

That's correct. "Ahiah" uses the same root found in YHWH, it's just conjugated differently. God had not yet revealed His Name, YHWH.

That's why the people got so upset when Jesus said "I Am" - in Aramaic, and Hebrew, the root is the same as YHWH and the people understood He was saying He is YHWH.
+Shamasha Paul bar-Shimun de'Beth-Younan
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I will take Paul's word on it, that this is the case in the Aramaic Old Testament translation. But when looking at the Masorete Hebrew text, it takes on a bit of a different form, in my opinion.

(`eh:yeh `aConfusedher `eh:yeh) - "I AM THAT I AM", as translated in the KJ Authorized Version
According to CAL, Peshitta says [font="Estrangelo (V1.1)"]hyh0 r40 hyh0[/font] (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) which exactly the same letters as in Hebrew.

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