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....Moses & the prophets ... concerning Himself....
According to Luke 24:27 Jesus used the writings of Moses and the Prophets (our old testament) to verify the activities concerning His death and resurrection. I'm amazed by how many Christians look to the new testament (only) as the basis of their faith. For me, the complete text of scripture is necessary to have as complete and thorough an understanding of true faith in the Almighty God.
Shlama Everton,

I agree completely. Luke 24:46 even says that His resurrection on the third day was written in the OT scriptures. The only place I can find that looks like it could be that prophecy is Hosea 6:2
Ho 6:2 (Rotherham) He will bring us to life, after two days,??????on the third day, will he raise us up, that we may live before him.

Paul writes in Ephesians and Romans that we are raised up with The Messiah:
4. We were buried with him in baptism into death, for as Yeshua The Messiah arose from among the dead in the glory of his Father, in this way also we shall walk in a new life.
5. For if we have been planted as one with him in the likeness of his death, in this way also we shall be in his resurrection.
8. If therefore we are dead with The Messiah, let us believe that we shall live with The Messiah.
9. For we know that The Messiah arose from the place of the dead and he shall not die again, and death has no authority over him.
10. For he who died to sin, died one time, and because he lives, he is living to God.
11. In this way also consider yourselves that you are dead to sin and that you are living to God in Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.
-Romans 6:4,5,8-11 (My translation)

5. When we were dead in our sins, he gave us life together with The Messiah, and by his grace he saved us.
6. And he has raised us up with him and seated us with himself in Heaven in Yeshua The Messiah -Ephesians 2:5,6 (My translation)

Paul sounds like he is expounding on Hosea 6:2 in his emphasis on receiving life with The Messiah and being raised up with The Messiah, both actions being declared in Hosea as corporate life and resurrection "on the third day".

What say you, Everton?


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Shlama Dave,
I agree. This is the basis of our hope of living eternally with our Lord and Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach, when He returns in glory. I praise Yahweh for websites like these where our faith can be strengthened in the scriptures.

If I may, I'd like to share an understanding which confirms my belief in the complete unity of the scriptures. (I know that it may take a lifetime to arrive at a complete understanding of them).

For years I've been trying to reconcile the experience of Jonah (in the belly of the whale), with the declaration of Yeshua that He would be the same length of time dead & buried.
(KJV) Jonah 1:17 - Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
(KJV) Matthew 12:40 - For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
I struggled to accept that Yeshua was crucified on Friday and resurrected Sunday morning. This did not equal three days and three nights. That was the only sign Yeshua said would be given to those who needed a sign to verify what He said would happen.

Praise Yahweh for the understanding about the passover sabbath of that year falling on (our equivalent of) Thursday, thus confirming that He was crucified on the Wednesday, therefore, He would have been resurrected after sunset of the (weekly/commandment) Sabbath. Hence, when Mary came to the tomb (before day) Sunday morning, He wasn't there.
From death, burial and resurrection, the event fulfilling His words, three days and three nights.

Shlama Everton,

The Jews reckoned part of a day as a day, especially when tallying up a series of days:

1 Sam 30:
11 And they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David, and gave him bread, and he did eat; and they gave him water to drink.
12 And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and two clusters of raisins: and when he had eaten, his spirit came again to him; for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk any water, three days and three nights.
13 And David said unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days ago I fell sick.
"three days and 3 nights" were the same as "three days ago". His Master left him because he was sick. He ate nothing for three days and three nights afterward, being sick. Yet he said that he became sick "three days ago". So the 3 days and 3 nights are not 72 hours, but considerably less- "3 days ago".

1 Kings 20
29 And they encamped one over against the other seven days. And so it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined; and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians a hundred thousand footmen in one day.

This is not 7- 24 hour periods, but at least 5 full days and probably 2 partial days.

Genesis 42
17 And he put them all together into ward three days.
18 And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God:

Same deal here.

Mark 16:9 says:
9. But at dawn, on the first day of the week, he arose and appeared first
to Maryam Magdalitha, from whom he had cast out seven demons.

We also know our Lord was buried just before the Sabbath began, which would have been before 6 PM Friday:
Mark 15:42. And when it was Friday evening, which is before the Sabbath, (My translation of The Peshitta. See Paul Younan's translation also.)
He arose just at dawn, Sunday, so He was in the tomb about 36-39 hours, which was the end of Friday, all of Saturday and about 12 hours Sunday (6 PM-6AM), since the Jewish day began at 6 PM.
The Aramaic word "eraubta" is used in the accounts for the day of the crucifixion.This word is simply "Friday". "Wednesday" would be "arbabshabba"; this is nowhere in any account. "Eraubta"-Friday" occurs 5 times in the accounts of the crucifixion in:

owjlyp twl asyrpw anhk ybr wsnkta atbwre rtb yhwtyad rxmd Nyd amwyl Mt 27:62
Mt 27:62 And on the day that was next after Friday, the chief priests and Pharisees assembled before Pilate,

atbs Mdq hytyad atbwred asmr awh dkw Mr 15:42
Mr 15:42 ?? And as it was Friday evening, which precedeth the Sabbath,

twh ahgn atbsw twh atbwre amwyw Lu 23:54
Lu 23:54 And it was Friday, and the Sabbath began to dawn.

Nwkklm ah aydwhyl rmaw ts aes Kya ywh tyaw axupd twh atbwrew Joh 19:14
Joh 19:14 And it was the Friday of Passover; and it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews: Behold, your King.

Nwna Nwtxnw apyqz Nwnhd Nwhyqs Nwrbtnd owjlyp Nm webw yh atbsd amwy abr ryg awh amwy ahgn atbsd ljm Nwhypyqz le Nylh argp Nwtwbn al Nyrma twh atbwred ljm Nyd aydwhy Joh 19:31
Joh 19:31 ?? And because it was Friday, the Jews said: These bodies must not remain all night upon the cross: because the Sabbath was dawning; and the day of the Sabbath was a great day. And they requested of Pilate, that they should break the legs of those crucified, and take them down.

If 3 days & 3 nights = 3 days ago (or 3rd day) in the OT(1 Sam 30) , why not in the NT?


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