Hebrew Linear Bible

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 Coblentz EMail CoblentzView member profileCheck IP address of this member "Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-08-2003 at 05:38 PM (GMT3)
I know the Peshitta Bible, but what is the exact origin of the linear Stone Edition Hebrew Bible that is provided in the bookstore? Is this a translation of another manuscript?



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RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
Paul Younan — Mar-08-2003 at 05:59 PM (1)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
Coblentz — Mar-08-2003 at 08:46 PM (2)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
Paul Younan — Mar-08-2003 at 08:55 PM (3)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
rdf — Mar-14-2003 at 02:15 PM (4)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
Paul Younan — Mar-14-2003 at 06:33 PM (5)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
ograabe — Mar-16-2003 at 06:45 AM (6)
RE: Hebrew Linear Bible
Paul Younan — Mar-16-2003 at 07:11 AM (7)

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 Paul Younan EMail Paul YounanCheck IP address of this member 1. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-08-2003 at 05:59 PM (GMT3)
Shlama Akhi David,

The Stone Edition Hebrew Bible is the entire Old Testament, the authoritative edition in Hebrew (Masoretic text), Aramaic Targum and English. I have it and it is highly recommended, a very elegant book!

Fk^rwbw 0ml4



 Coblentz EMail CoblentzView member profileCheck IP address of this member 2. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-08-2003 at 08:46 PM (GMT3)
Thank you Paul for your answer.

But what is the "Masoretic" text? I still get confused with some of these names because I have not deeply researched manuscript origins. For instance, if the Peshitta Aramaic is the most reliable source for Scriptures, then what role does the Masoretic, Dutillet, Shem Tob, and Munster (or any other Hebrew version) play in the grand scheme of things? (I am already slightly aware of the Vulgate, LXX, and Textus Receptus.) Does not every other manuscript have errors when compared to the Peshitta?

Thank you for all your help.



 Paul Younan EMail Paul YounanCheck IP address of this member 3. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-08-2003 at 08:55 PM (GMT3)
Shlama Akhi David,

The Masoretic text (in the Hebrew language) is to the Old Testament what the Peshitta (in the Aramaic language) is to the New Testament. (the originals )

Fk^rwbw 0ml4



 rdf EMail rdfView member profileCheck IP address of this member 4. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-14-2003 at 02:15 PM (GMT3)
Shlama Akhi Paul,

What do you think with this one:


Do you higly recommend this? especially for the people who would like to read the 'square Hebrew' word by word.


>The Stone Edition Hebrew Bible is
>the entire Old Testament, the
>authoritative edition in Hebrew (Masoretic
>text), Aramaic Targum and English.
> I have it and
>it is highly recommended, a
>very elegant book!


 Paul Younan EMail Paul YounanCheck IP address of this member 5. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-14-2003 at 06:33 PM (GMT3)
Shlama Akhi Rudolf,

That's a very nice work, very similiar to the stone edition....except that the Stone edition includes the Aramaic targum as well.

Fk^rwbw 0ml4



 ograabe EMail ograabeView member profileCheck IP address of this member 6. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-16-2003 at 06:45 AM (GMT3)

How does the Aramaic Targum compare to the Peshitta Old Testament?



 Paul Younan EMail Paul YounanCheck IP address of this member 7. "RE: Hebrew Linear Bible"
Mar-16-2003 at 07:11 AM (GMT3)
Shlama Akhi Otto,

Lingistically they are quite similiar, but translationally they are worlds apart.

The Peshitta OT is a literal word-for-word translation of the Hebrew - very rigid (like the Interlinear). In contrast, the various Targums are very liberal in their translation and very free-flowing, explanatory.

Fk^rwbw 0ml4




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