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Aramaic Text of Revelation Forms Sword and Staff on a Map
Curious that the two-edged sword is pointed so it looks just like light shining through an open door, the very thing described in Revelation 4:1 after the seven assemblies receive their message?

[Image: open-door-angle.jpg]

I live in a geodesic dome with large triangle windows facing north-south. Earlier this year I was standing in my living room when I noticed the morning sunlight coming through one of these windows naturally forming the shape of the shepherd?s staff described in this post. I felt this was a gift from YHVH to assist my research...

I recognized the shape immediately and it occurred to me that morning: this two-edged sword & shepherd's staff that appears on the face of the earth is actually pointing toward something higher-dimensional. Thus began my quest to use modern software to reverse-engineer the 3-d cause of the 2-d sword & staff image.

This work is based on computer modeling but the breakthrough really came from two vivid dreams I had in August about a doorway to a garden and a shepherd?s staff as the key to the door. In one dream I was studying Aramaic with my Concordance ? that was the first and only time I?ve ever dreamt in Aramaic (didn't feel supernatural, but rather very natural). When I woke up after the Concordance dream I felt it was a small sign that Alha is approving of my studies here.

So today after many months of research I?m pleased to report my findings exclusively here at the sword & staff appears on the face of the earth when we shine sunlight through two specific shapes at a precise time and location on earth. Awesomely:

[Image: sword-staff-outline-aerial3-1.jpg]
[Image: sword-staff-outline-frontal3-1.jpg]
[Image: close-up-head-sword-staff-1.jpg]

These images show that the two-edge sword appears as sunlight through an open tabernacle door in Israel! Specifically, the door is in the same shape (trapezoid) and approximate dimensions (see image below) as the Jewish Tabernacle entrance door described in the old testament. I built this door using Sketchup architectural software and Google Earth Pro. So you're looking basically at actual distances and actual light/shadows as they would appear on earth (with the exception that I'm not bending light due to earth curvature; I haven?t figured that part out yet). Also, the map orientation is adjusted slightly southwest such that the north line runs directly through the center of the door in Sketchup. For those interested in the technical details, note that even minor variations in the shape of the door and orientation of the map will dramatically affect the results -- so results are malleable depending on the input data.

Another important caveat is that only some of the tabernacle door's dimensions are given in the bible, so I've just done the best I can to match the information available. The door is scaled up proportionally to the actual distance between the Temple Mount and Mount Hermon: 625,000 feet. It?s a big door, approximately the size of 24 Mount Everests!

[Image: tabernacle_door_entrance.gif]
[Image: tab_techdim.gif]
[Image: tabernacle-tent1-560x418.jpg]
[Image: sword-staff-outline-frontal4-1.jpg]

As for the shepherd?s staff, it manifests as light shining through a uniquely shaped keyhole. In the ancient temple in Jerusalem, the Jewish priests used a special key for their altar, such as this one:

[Image: keys-temple.jpg]

And here is the key used in the Sepulchre church in Jerusalem:
[Image: key%20to%20sepulchre%20church.jpg]

Interpreting the Data

In the course of this geo-modeling research I?ve taken a lot of notes and found fertile ground for insights. Here is a sample of some initial thoughts ?

The door/sword is straight (alyza), like the door in Matthew needed to enter heaven (Matthew 7:13, ?enter by the straight door?).

The tabernacle that forms the door looks like a pyramid with a missing capstone. The shepherd?s staff provides a capstone with its triangle shape. Yahshua is the shepherd and his name in Aramaic means Yah?s rock. More on that below...

The sword/door comes from Yahshua?s mouth (Revelation 1:16, 2:12), so perhaps it is made of words. If it needs a handle, one might say that would be Yahshua?s throat with Adam?s apple around Najd. Fun to consider the possibilities and have a reason to learn more about these places.

If this sword image is revealing a door as my findings suggest, then do the chosen enter at the temple mount edge of the door or the other edge at Mt. Hermon, or perhaps anywhere in the area from Temple Mount to Mt. Hermon? Notice this clue in the admonition to the first assembly Ephesus in Revelation 2:4-5, ??your former love you have left, remember from where you came and do the works former?? Consider also what Yahshua advised the Samaritan/northern woman by the well in John 4:22 that salvation comes through Judeans (yhudya).

Another option is to place a smaller trapezoid inside the door, so the outline remains very narrow and a person walking on earth would only be able to enter at either pole/extreme (hot or cold): Temple Mount or Mt. Hermon, but not in between.

The ancient tabernacle was placed in the court towards the west, but with its entrance oriented east-wards, so that according to Josephus: "when the Sun arose it might send its first rays upon it." See also Ezekiel 43:1-5. And here we're looking at that same description, morning sunlight from the east through a door facing east-west (map orientation is especially relevant here).

The temple was in some ways grander and more spectacular than the tabernacle that came before it. Perhaps this sword & staff, modeled after the tabernacle, will also be followed by a grander and more spectacular door & key modeled after the temple. What if the coordinates are already written in the stars, but no human has discovered them or published the images yet? See e.g., The Celestial Symbolism of the Hebrew Temple & Tabernacle, (highlighting especially the phi ratios).

Imagine a key, when inserted into the top of the staff/keyhole and turned from right to left (like reading Hebrew or Aramaic), lifts the crook in the staff upward/outward to open the door. If we read that Philadelphia was empowered with the keys of David the shepherd (Revelation 3:7), and with/after Laodicea we see the open door (Revelation 3:20, 4:1), this imagery makes sense.

If the keys of David in Rev 3:7 are a clue pointing toward 'shepherd staff keys', it also brings to mind Simon Peter (kapa) who was given keys to heaven (Matthew 16:19) and told to tend the sheep (John 21). Peter is a rock, but not the rock. Yahshua is the rock, he is Yah?s rock. He is a better choice than the capstone rock on the pyramid. Consider how belief in Yahshua?s name is a potential key to the door/sword. Peter the rock put Yahshua the rock first. Peter used a sword in John 18 and Peter proved he inherently possessed a key when he affirmed it in Matthew 16:16. And Yahshua responds in Matthew 16:17-18, ?Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but rather my Father who is in heaven. Also I say I to you that you are kapa and on this kapa I will build my church.?

What is the church other than a covenant holder? The seven assemblies can be seen as seven colors/music-notes/wave-functions/etc that interact to form one church. They need to work together and the result is a saga on whatever levels you focus upon ? virtues, vices, admonitions, promises, accounting, judgment.

[Image: keyhole-color-1.jpg]

So where is this church highlighted in Matthew 16:18? In Yahshua. In analyzing Matthew 16:18 consider 1.618 = phi the golden ratio. This sword & staff represents the golden ratio as highlighted above (and more to come). If you're inclined, learn about phi as you learn about this sword/door and staff/key. Studying the heart and mathematics is a way to study life as you focus on YHVH.

Consider how the door is likely made of words - as the sword comes from Yahshua?s mouth, it would logically be made of words. And according to the gospel, words come from the heart.

[Image: hebrew-dalet-voice-shadow-letter.jpg]

[Image: torus-heart-wave.jpg]

Imagine the 'aleph bet' of your heart knocking and the door opening - the key would be a virtuous heart. Reminds me of the verse to the assembly Thyatira in Revelation 2:23, ?I examine the emotions and the heart?. Note the wordplay of key (qlyda) and emotions (kulyTha). If I recall correctly, it was this wordplay that helped me think of the heart as a potential key to the door, the shepherd?s heart. Note also the wordplay of door (ThrEaa) and this lampstand Thyatira (Thautyra). In Rev 3:20, Yahshua stands at the door and knocks (aquSh). And this root word for knock (aquSh) is again used in Rev 14:2 while the lamb is on Mt. Zion. Do you envision a door at Mt. Zion?

Regarding the heart-key theme, note that 528 hz is measurable as the musical frequency of love for the human heart. And in the following image the length of the yellow shepherd's staff is 527 miles. I take this as a small sign that my map measurements are somehow off by a mile, just like the line measurement from Temple Mount to Ephesus is 617 miles (618 is the golden number). Perhaps give a little here, take a little there - how do you pinpoint the location of an historical assembly of faithful people covering some distance - well, think of photon wave-particle mechanics and the nature of focus.

[Image: sword-staff-double-slit-experiment.jpg]

I can theorize that Laodicea must turn and repent (Rev 3:16-19) because it needs to open the bottom portion of the lock on the key hole. The lock can be opened either way (hot or cold), but if Laodicea takes the middle approach then the crook on the staff is not opened. Or another way to analyze this riddle follows the way that light travels when forced through a narrow gate/opening. When the path is wide, the extremes cancel each other out and aren?t noticeable because trillions of straight/easy traveling photons take center stage. But when the path is narrow, the extreme photons receive the path? see e.g., pages 56 and 80 of Quantum Electrodynamics by Richard Feynman.

At first when I saw the shepherd?s staff outline I thought it might be a snake?s forked tongue:

[Image: sword-staff-outline-frontal1.jpg]

My initial reaction was negative to this early image, but then I remembered John 3:15, ?And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness thus is about to be lifted up the Son of Man so that everyone who believes in him will not destruct but will have life dlEalm.?

And with synchronistical symbolism, the sunlight is shining through this ?snake head? at 6:18am (.618 = golden ratio) on the date of 3/12, which reminds of John 3:12, the passage that immediately precedes John 3:16?s reference to Yahshua as the snake in the wilderness. John 3:12 reads, ?If about earthly things I have told you and you do not believe, how if I speak to you about heavenly things will you believe?? Intriguing example, right?

Then as I continued carving out the forms inside the staff (just as they would be carved out from wood in a real shepherd?s staff) I found a series of triangular shapes. What do they represent? I don?t know yet. I think it?s cool that they match the symbol of ?north? on the google earth map - a nice little trail marker perhaps. There were many triangular objects in the temple -- for example, the ramp leading to the copper altar was a triangle of similar shape.
[Image: mizbeach.jpg]

The triangles on the roof of the temple also match. Or what if the staff head is meant to outline a tsadee in Aramaic script? Or perhaps the triangles represent sets of cherubim wings. Or what if the staff is budding leaves and almonds, like Aaron?s staff in Numbers 17. I?m not certain of any answer, or that there is meant to be only one answer, but I?m excited to learn more about this budding staff and open door?

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Re: Aramaic Text of Revelation Forms Sword and Staff on a Ma - by gregglaser - 12-16-2013, 10:42 PM

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