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Earliest known date attached to four Gospels
Paul Younan Wrote:What we need is exact translation of the Latin: does Assemani simply quote folio 140 of Mar Elia's Homily, and that is the reference given at the start of this thread?

I have compared both catalogs: the first, Bibliotheca Orientalis (B.O.), by Assemani senior, gives a general index of the contents of the codex. The second, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (B.A.V.), by Assemani junior, gives a more detailed description, folio by folio.

B.O. (Vol. 2 page 486) mentions specifically a Gospel (in the left column at the end).
Benecditio Evangelii veteris - Blessed old Gospel.
This is followed by a reference to a comment from Mar Machicha, Bishop of Gesluna, at the end of this Gospel.
Machichae Episcope Geslunae Annotatio...[etc]
Then comes the reference to the annotation of Acheus/Akhai
Annotatio ab Acheu hic descripti...[etc]

B.A.V. (Part 1 Vol. 2 page 492) does not mention the Gospel, instead, there is a kind of lesson about the Gospels.
47. Interrogatio e Responsio ...[etc] folio 139
Then comes the inscription of Acheus
48. Adnotatio ad calcem...[etc] folio 140
And finally the comment of Mar Machicha (in aramaic with latin translation, that mentions a church called Mar Sabarjesu, which is probably the latin for Sawrisho).
49. Adnotatio altera Machichae...[etc] folio 141

About that comment by Mar Machicha, I found this reference:

Quote:GESLUNA, ville ??piscopale de la province de Nisibe ,au dioc??se de Chald??e , sous la m??tropole de Nisibe. Elle est proche de Balada, qui a eu quelquefois le m??me ??v??que ; ne serait-ce pas celle que le g??ographe de Nubie , appel?? Gelon , et qui est assez proche du Zab? Voici deux de ses ??v??ques :
1. Machicha, qui a fait quelques remarques sur un des manuscrits syriaques qui ont ??te mis dans la biblioth??que du Vatican du temps du pape Innocent XIII. Bibl. Or., tom. 2 , p. 486.
2. Sim??on , ??v??que de Ralada et de Gefluna , assista ?? l'ordination de Jahallatra III.

A rough translation by google translator:
Quote:GESLUNA, episcopal city in the province of Nisibis in the Diocese of Chaldea, in the city of Nisibis. It is close to Balada, who was sometimes the same bishop, would not that which the geographer of Nubia, known Gelon, which is quite close to Zab? Two of its bishops:
1. Machicha, who made a few remarks on one of the Syriac manuscripts that have been placed in the Vatican Library in the time of Pope Innocent XIII. Bibl. Or, tom. 2, p. 486.
2. Simeon, bishop of Ralada and Gefluna, attended the ordination of Jahallatra III.

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So I think it would be interesting to have a translation of that comment from Mar Machicha. In my opinion this may be an evidence that this Gospel was placed in Vatican.

Edit: Obviously, only a scholar in Baroque Latin can give the details and correct meanings of the organization and latin contents of these catalogs. Wich certainly is not my case.

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Re: Earliest known date attached to four Gospels - by Phil - 03-21-2009, 11:09 PM

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