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Any Further Word On The Publication of Mari/P.E.A.C.E.?
Dear Ryan,

A LOT of the 'BadStuff happening here, has been his mind games and his "magick".

He THINKS that he's this big wizard ("Pay NO attention to the man behind the curtain!").

NO, I never got your PM here, or your other e-mail.

Not surprising really. He took down the whole list last October (' I mean) and he's been here gnawing away at it, ever since then!

I'm sorry that you and Andrew got caught up in this. I feel badly about that.

Shlama, Albion

Amatsyah Wrote:Shlama Albion,
Ahhhhhh ........... maybe this is why I never heard back from you, either? I know it's been a while, but when I sent you an email or two, and at least one PM, I was kind of suspicious that your tormentor might have intercepted and obfuscated the letters. Finally, I wrote it off as my paranoia, and figured you must've been pissed at me. I knew I didn???t say anything to injure you, but who???s to know? I am VERY grieved for you, and this forum, to have a rodent munching away at wires within the system. I would suspect that trifling emotions between you and Andrew, and perhaps you and me, and everyone else here for that matter, are part of the intentional game? I am familiar with the Hegelian Dialectical as well as other ???mind games???. This seems to be part of a game, and I think you hit the nail on the head with your ???social engineering??? post. In fact, in my last (lost?) PM to you, I praised you for sharing that with us.

Blessings in Mashikha,


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Re: Any Further Word On The Publication of Mari/P.E.A.C.E.? - by *Albion* - 05-16-2008, 07:34 PM

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