Peshitta Forum

Full Version: Peshitta Inscription shows early OT translation
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Shloma Paul,

I came across the following inscription for Psalms 23 in The 1979 UBS Syriac Bible:

[font=Estrangelo (V1.1)]0$h Nlw htwklmd 0rwtp L9 dywdl ty0tdx 0ny+syrkd 0m9d 0tl9m ty0nxwr[/font]

My Translation:
???Psalm of David. On the communion table of the kingdom; And for us lately a spiritual introduction of the recent Christian people.???

[font=Estrangelo (V1.1)]ty0tdx[/font] occurs once in The New Testament (Mark 14:25). Greek has ???kainh??? ,meaning, ???new???.

Does this indicate an early date for the Peshitta OT translation ? It would seem to indicate Christianity was a recent development from the translator???s perspective and that Psalm 23 is an allegory of the Christian life, not merely a description of a new believer???s experience. Is my translation accurate ?
I value your judgement and response. Thanks.

[font=Estrangelo (V1.1)]hysrwk Mdqd Nyly0 0xwr 9b$ Nmw 0t0w 0wh yhwty0w yhwty0d wh Nm 0ml$w Nwkl 0twby+[/font]

Dave B
Shlama Akhi Dave,

Actually, the version I have does not contain that introduction. I think the UBS version is drawn from Syriac Orthodox sources, not Church of the East. This introduction may have been a scribal note in their manuscripts.

Most scholars believe that the Peshitta OT was made during pre-Christian times by the Jews of upper Mesopotamia into their vernacular Aramaic. It was later adopted by the Christian churches of that area, many of them formerly Jews.
Shlama Akhi Paul,

The Psalms in The Syriac UBS version each and all have Christian references to the church and Messiah, spiritual meanings, etc., after the more traditional Jewish notes and background. They do not strike me as marginal notes, but rather as a part of the tradition of an original introduction for each Psalm which presumably started with the Hebrew scribes.
Anyhow, it would be good if we could get something definitive for an early date for the Peshitta OT; I think it would provide a strong link to an first century date for the NT Peshitta if we could show a first century Christian authorship for The OT translation.

I do not mean to slight the CoE position. I am concerned more with validating their position on The NT date than with a pre-Christian OT.

How's my translation ?


Dave B