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Full Version: Mistranslations
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  1. Thoughts and questions on Matt 1:16 - "gowra" (14 Replies)
  2. Error in "The Holy Aramaic" John 5:27 (1 Reply)
  3. "Romans" or "soldiers" in Act 23:10, 23, 31 (3 Replies)
  4. Matthew 18: 3 - "Turn" or "Change"? (6 Replies)
  5. Alma Charts (9 Replies)
  6. Luke 6:16 and after-thoughts (0 Replies)
  7. Acts 3:12-power/holiness versus power/authority (3 Replies)
  8. Ephesians 3:9 (0 Replies)
  9. How many animals did Yeshu ride on? (3 Replies)
  10. What Jesus did really say on the cross. (5 Replies)
  11. "A BISHOP THEN MUST BE BLAMELESS..." (10 Replies)
  12. Early Believers Understanding of John 1:3,4 (20 Replies)
  13. Who's Faith? Aramaic clears up the misunderstanding (0 Replies)
  14. John 1:18 (5 Replies)
  15. Fantastic insight on Shayna (6 Replies)
  16. The Bread of Truth (23 Replies)
  17. 'In that moment' or 'A new one' (2 Replies)
  18. "You must return to the Mother..." (4 Replies)
  19. James 2:25 Spies or Messengers? (2 Replies)
  20. Commonwealth of Israel? (5 Replies)
  21. The missing Shofar in the NT translations (3 Replies)
  22. Repair or prepare? (0 Replies)
  23. Romans 12:20 heap or bury? (2 Replies)
  24. 2 Peter 3:10 (7 Replies)
  25. 2 Peter 1:12 (1 Reply)
  26. Titus 2:13 'happy hope' (1 Reply)
  27. Acts 9:33 (22 Replies)
  28. Mistranslation Devarim Deuteronomy 5:9 (3 Replies)
  29. Restoration or Fulfillment? (12 Replies)
  30. Matthew 1:18 (12 Replies)
  31. Mistranslation within Aramaic? (6 Replies)
  32. Judges 6:13-15 (12 Replies)
  33. Acts 28:1 Meliti, not Melita? (1 Reply)
  34. Your "mistranslations" confirm Greek primacy (56 Replies)
  35. A Staff OR No Staffs?? (3 Replies)
  36. Matthew 27:9 ? Jeremiah prophecies 30 pieces of silver? (7 Replies)
  37. Rendinger Acts 24:14 sect or teaching? (7 Replies)
  38. Romans 12:20 'stacking fiery coals on someones head' (1 Reply)
  39. Acts 19:24-35 (4 Replies)
  40. Attalia/Italia (2 Replies)
  41. John 19:17 he bearing his cross? (4 Replies)
  42. Symon, not Simon, the Samaritan (6 Replies)
  43. Luqa 14:26: hate or put aside? (3 Replies)
  44. Bartimaeus, son of... (3 Replies)
  45. Ekklesia (8 Replies)
  46. On the Incoherence of Aramaic Primacy III (3 Replies)
  47. Mattai 7:6 (10 Replies)
  48. Hebrews 12:4 strange difference (1 Reply)
  49. Acts 7:16 (2 Replies)
  50. Matthew 24:30 sign, mark, banner (5 Replies)
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